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Phone call freak out


Patron with Honors
I got a call, out of the blue, a few weeks ago from FCDC, from a considerate guy who seemed to want to reconcile the issue(s) I raised in a long letter I had written when I was last in touch with the church. I honestly did/do not remember writing this 12 page letter, but it's the sort of thing I would have done, seeking clarification or resolution of discrepancies and/or inconsistencies that had me cycle out (of touch, I wasn't on Staff). Back then, I still held on to some hope that there was a factual basis to Dianetics and Scientology. The helpful caller didn't mention that this letter was written...as well as I can recall...back in '78 or '79. But he wanted me to come in for a FREE SESSION (!!), presumably so I could resolve whatever had bothered me and get me back on my path to Total Freedom.

I didn't say much other than I didn't remember the letter, and let him go about inviting me in for this wonderful charitable gift of a FREE SESSION (presumably of 100% Standard Tech Auditing). I honestly haven't had time to schedule a trip into town, so I didn't have to tell him just yet to flake off. And I don't want to. I want him to continue to call while I decide how to handle this. Usually I see the number--he's apparently using his own cell-- and just don't answer; and he keeps calling, every few days, eager to schedule me for my FREE SESSION.

I hold no animosity toward this guy. He's as much suckered in as I was, however he came into it, and he sees himself as trying to "salvage" me from my empty and meaningless life headed toward oblivion. Now telling him outright that it's all fiction is going to be like pouring water on a duck's back: It'll just bead right off and won't affect the duck in the least.

What I'd like to do is leave him with a question or two that *might* one day bother him. I'm thinking of telling him I have two questions, the first of which isn't very important. First question: What town/city is near the university campus where LRH got his degree? <--(that isn't really important). However, I'll invite him to ask around and see if anybody knows. Hint: It's NOT GW Uni in DC. It's well documented that he left there after his 1st year and didn't return. The second question, the one that actually matters is, "Why is this an awkward question?" why can't he find a quick and simple answer? It's not a difficult question. And does he get a runaround when he asks?

I anticipate he would get "Why does it matter which uni he graduated from?" Answer: It _doesn't_ matter. No, really, it doesn't! Really. What matters is why it's an awkward question...? Why nobody can name a campus or nearby town/city. See, if LRH never *got* a degree, it wouldn't matter at all--what DOES matter is that he SAID he got a Doctorate, but nobody can name a real Uni that he got it from. THAT matters. And if the name Sequoia Uni comes up, I'll ask again what town is near the campus to focus on the fact that there is no campus, and that should pique his curiosity just a little.

So, yeah, they're now calling old names from at least 35+ years ago and worrying at them like a dog worrying a dried out nutritionless bone because there isn't anything else to chew on. For my part, I'm perfectly willing to have good ol' whatizname continue to call me. Maybe eventually I'll just see if I can slip in some OT3 material before he knows what I'm doing. :whistling:

EDIT: Forgot to mention--they found me after I changed addresses and phone numbers a dozen times (leaving no forwarding addresses) over these last 35+ years...so, yeah, they aren't just grabbing old folders and calling numbers from their files, they're updating files on long-gone members. Colossal waste of time, and I don't mind supporting that waste: I'm retired and the occasional phone call doesn't take that much time, when I decide to take it.


Patron with Honors
EDIT: Forgot to mention--they found me after I changed addresses and phone numbers a dozen times (leaving no forwarding addresses) over these last 35+ years...so, yeah, they aren't just grabbing old folders and calling numbers from their files, they're updating files on long-gone members. Colossal waste of time, and I don't mind supporting that waste: I'm retired and the occasional phone call doesn't take that much time, when I decide to take it.

Now that's an interesting view on it. It wasn't a random thing... it's probably some major initiative with drills and stats and lowers and the whole shebang.

Poor suckers.