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Scientology and the False Ego

I had a moment of clarity last night. I realized that continued involvement and belief and adoption of Scientology's teachings creates a false ego. This ego is like a personality on steroids: I am OT, I handle things, I make things go right, I am causative, I am not a victim, nor am I PTS, a DB or low toned. I keep my attention on the goal, my intention to get things done is high, I am not reasonable. I go from A to B, I get things done now, I don't Q & A, I comply, I forward clearing the planet, I don't read entheta, I don't brook counter intention. I am not a broken piece, I am a player.

It is not to say some of these things are bad ideals, but combined you have a zealous, doggedly focused, approach to life where one is self love bombing, self esteem building, self reinforcing and self policing oneself into a state of beingness known as the Scientologist (if you sound like Jeff Pomeranz when you say Scientologist, so much the better) Or worse, the OT Scientologist.

So there is this package: the Scientologist, the beingness, the doingness and the EGO. Think how Scientiologists talk to each other - no entheta, no BI's, no case talk, just accolades of how they are making it go right, making headway into society, and clearing their city, country, the planet despite flagrant giant waving red flags, like empty orgs, fear of registrars, fear of losing one's eternity, crazy seniors, and those people in the black suits running around the periphery of the orgs, crazy stories on the internet, misquoted upper level data on South Park or in tabloid magazines at the checkout counter.

Yep, here I am, the causative being, taking full responsibility for my life per LRH.

It is this conviction that one is a Scientologist (cue Jeff again) that you hold to your bosom when faced with actual reality - shit - we haven't seen a new public course start in a month - thank god the OT committee has decided to redo their Purif's. My stats will be in a new range. Humm. Is two starts this week power or affluence?

At some point, whether in or out of Scientology - one runs into a brick wall - he/she recognizes this false Scientology EGO isn't going to work any more. You can't just run rough shod over everybody to get done what you feel needs to be done. Your reality has to be adjusted. And don't think it is a big inval and you are really are a loser, DB, broken piece. You are actually a unique being. Realize it and also realize so are the others around you.

You are the one with the EGO problem of Biblical proportions - the Scientologist ( Miscavage pulls a ribbon and tons of confetti and colored balloons swirl around you and your exalted OT beingness) You are the one with the synthetic beingness. You are the one who revels in your OTness, your ability to pull in parking places, to make it go right and to eek out a living despite massive debt and commitments to support the IAS.

Well, it's time to wake up. Listen to your inner self - that feeling that you are immortal and the org really can't take your future away from you. Sure, they can keep you off the OT levels. So? I mean really, so? If the tech was really workable, if it really produced those exalted states, why isn't the place packed like Redondo Beach on the 4th of July?

Shed the False EGO and be yourself. In fact - let's listen to the Incredible String Band for a little inspiration! Peace, brother, and may you never be the same.


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stubborn rebel sheep!
I had a moment of clarity last night. I realized that continued involvement and belief and adoption of Scientology's teachings creates a false ego. This ego is like a personality on steroids: I am OT, I handle things, I make things go right, I am causative, I am not a victim, nor am I PTS, a DB or low toned. I keep my attention on the goal, my intention to get things done is high, I am not reasonable. I go from A to B, I get things done now, I don't Q & A, I comply, I forward clearing the planet, I don't read entheta, I don't brook counter intention. I am not a broken piece, I am a player.


At some point, whether in or out of Scientology - one runs into a brick wall - he/she recognizes this false Scientology EGO isn't going to work any more.

- snip -

Well, it's time to wake up. Listen to your inner self - that feeling that you are immortal and the org really can't take your future away from you. Sure, they can keep you off the OT levels. So? I mean really, so? If the tech was really workable, if it really produced those exalted states, why isn't the place packed like Redondo Beach on the 4th of July?

Shed the False EGO and be yourself. In fact - let's listen to the Incredible String Band for a little inspiration! Peace, brother, and may you never be the same.




Sometimes, it happens we take the long road to get to home!
Sincere congratulations Mimsey!

Wishing you a wonderfull new journey at home!


Patron Meritorious
What a true post Mimsey. After I left I would be so frustrated with myself thinking that I should be doing better than non scientologists when I wasnt. I was struggling to keep up. Only after shedding the scientology think, the false ego, I began to function better. The ego build up in scientogy is crap, a lie and exaggerated self importance just as in other practices, maybe even more so in scientology. It will hinder ones survival.

La La Lou Lou

The super ego is part of the story. There is the other, the failure at being super, the low conditions, the self loathing, the guilt at low stats, the not being OT, the not making it go right and not finding any SP. Knowing that you are not 'super' is lonely, it's knowing that even scn couldn't work on you and that perhaps you are just a NO CASE GAIN evil bastard failure!


Inveterate gnashnab & snoutband
The super ego is part of the story. There is the other, the failure at being super, the low conditions, the self loathing, the guilt at low stats, the not being OT, the not making it go right and not finding any SP. Knowing that you are not 'super' is lonely, it's knowing that even scn couldn't work on you and that perhaps you are just a NO CASE GAIN evil bastard failure!
One of the most moving posts I have ever read on this forum!


Very well said Mimsey,

You have stated clearly what is involved in believing "I am a Scientologist", therefore...

Wouldn't that also apply to believing "I am an ex- Scientologist", " I am this, or that",
or "I am something!"?

It's a pattern or collection of images that is creating an ego.

Scientology, as all organised belief systems, provides templates for behaviour and certainty with it's own particular 'knowledge' [Tech]
It seems that any critisism levelled at the scientologists ego is met automatically from the same background of back-up knowledge.
The ego then has a built-in defence system!

I remember quite clearly how I used to respond robotically [by following the Tech] to anything that I thought was questioning or threatening my belief in scientology.

The scientology ego would kick in!
That ego is seriously concerned about survive or succumb.

Thanks for the post!

cleared cannibal

Silver Meritorious Patron
Not only, no more 'practising corporate Scientologists' but no 'Scientologist', isn't it just a matter of degree?
It depends on what your definetion of"scientologist" is. I think some of the independents may not be do it for ego but for true gains for themselves. Unless you were in from the beginning it is hard to know if it has always been BS or just really bastardized. I will say being in the cult has may me more forgiving of others viewpoints. In the spiritual sense it has to be true to you. In the same train of thought I believe "there is more than one road to heaven" a view that does not sit well with most organized religions unless your road is their road. I guess what I mean is some aspects of the tech may be on some individuals road to heaven.


It depends on what your definetion of"scientologist" is. I think some of the independents may not be do it for ego but for true gains for themselves. Unless you were in from the beginning it is hard to know if it has always been BS or just really bastardized. I will say being in the cult has may me more forgiving of others viewpoints. In the spiritual sense it has to be true to you. In the same train of thought I believe "there is more than one road to heaven" a view that does not sit well with most organized religions unless your road is their road. I guess what I mean is some aspects of the tech may be on some individuals road to heaven.

just thinking,

Won't any screen of 'tech' or belief, block a road?

There is this 'idea' of a road.
The Scientologists call it a bridge.
[It doesn't seem to lead to quite the same place as other religions.]
It seems that you can only reach the end of this supposed bridge if you adopt the Scientologist ego, the full package, as illustrated by Mimsey.

Why would anyone do that?
I know that I wanted the end of this bridge, and so was suckered in!
and all by the tech of the snake oil salesman, who promised what I had decided I needed.


The super ego is part of the story. There is the other, the failure at being super, the low conditions, the self loathing, the guilt at low stats, the not being OT, the not making it go right and not finding any SP. Knowing that you are not 'super' is lonely, it's knowing that even scn couldn't work on you and that perhaps you are just a NO CASE GAIN evil bastard failure!

Thank you La La. This actually brought me to tears. Haven't been out of the bubble that long. I never disseminated Scn in 35 years because I felt I didn't set a good example. I wasn't doing better than my non-scn friends. Never thought I was evil but just figured there must have been something wrong with me that I didn't use the tech to better my conditions.

In present time

Gold Meritorious Patron
The false ego I got from scientology was a help.
I knew what I was presenting, was not me.
But, I sorta felt kicked around all my life.
Scientology helped me,...
yeah, because I was young, damaged and vulnerable.

But in the end, that gets turned back on them.
So, the cookie crumbles.

La La Lou Lou

Thank you La La. This actually brought me to tears. Haven't been out of the bubble that long. I never disseminated Scn in 35 years because I felt I didn't set a good example. I wasn't doing better than my non-scn friends. Never thought I was evil but just figured there must have been something wrong with me that I didn't use the tech to better my conditions.

Those are healing tears, well done. That inadequate feeling just isn't one we talk about much. I've been out decades and it still is raw. It really wasn't anything wrong with you or me or the vast majority of people who spent years pretending to have cogs. It's just not a very good product. We didn't fail to get case gain, the tech failed to work.


:) Welcome Cleared cannibal

It depends on what your definition of"scientologist" is.

There are as many definitions for the word Scientologist as there are layers of the Scientological Onion. Each is misleading, and leads, deviously, to the next definition, further into the Onion. http://exscn.net/content/view/178/105/index.html

An Independent Scientologist may see himself as occupying a "layer," more distant from the dark core of Scientology, than even the most outer layers in the linked article above.

Nonetheless, such as person's idea of what constitutes a Scientologist is as unrealistic as any corporate Scientologist's idea.

Scientology is not an honest subject, reflecting the dishonesty of its founder.

Unless you were in from the beginning it is hard to know if it has always been BS

IMO, it's never entirely been BS. It's always been a mixture of truth, common sense, trickery, lies, various manipulative tactics, and subtle and not so subtle coercion.

or just really bastardized.


Bastardized? You mean "altered"?

There is a written record going back to 1938 and before. Plenty of evidence. And there's no shortage of accounts by credible first hand witnesses.

IMO, Hubbard always had a self serving hidden agenda, but also enjoyed lecturing and being a natural psychologist. However that hidden agenda never went away.

Ironically, that self serving hidden agenda, being his primary motivation, may have been why he bothered with any of this - good and bad - in the first place.

Unfortunately, it also corrupted and poisoned his work.

Perhaps the most difficult task is getting Scientologists to recognize that their founder/guru had an ulterior motive.

His primary goal was not their primary goal.
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La La Lou Lou

past tense: bastardised; past participle: bastardised
corrupt or debase (a language, art form, etc.), typically by adding new elements.
"a strange, bastardized form of French"
synonyms: adulterate, corrupt, contaminate, weaken, dilute, spoil, taint, pollute, foul, defile, debase, degrade, devalue, depreciate, distort; More
declare (someone) illegitimate.
"he hopes to annul the marriage and bastardize the issue"


Patron with Honors
There are a lot of all-knowing people in scn. It's actually pretty funny, and yet sometimes sad, to talk with them because they act like they know (being OhTee and all), or where let in on some secret and therefore have the advantage over everyone else especially when talking politics. The only problem is, most of them are just parroting whoever their opinion leader is. They will, independently of each other, say the exact same thing and act like they came to this conclusion totally on their own. It's pretty funny to see this happen time and time again.