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The Freewinds "Maiden Voyage" 2008


Bardo Tulpa

The "Maiden Voyage" is the first week of June every year.

How was this year's Maiden Voyage on the Freewinds?

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
I don't understand why this story hasn't been picked up, or why there is no news. Apparently it was on enturbulation that Sea Org teams are removing the asbestos. That would be typical, but why isn't there outrage about the whole thing? :grouch:


Patron with Honors
I can see it now........

"Welcome to the RPF.

Your assignment will be to remove blue asbestos from the Freewinds. SPs in the FDA have declared it to be hazardous, but we know better. They're just trying to cause Dev-T and prevent us from delivering OT-VIII. Therefore you must remove this material as quickly as possible. Don't worry about the supposed risks, there are none. It isn't fiberglass so there isn't anything to worry about.

Some people have asked about filter masks. Forget about it!!!! There is no reason to wear a mask as asbestos is not harmful.

You have three days to clear this ship of asbestos.

Get to it!!"


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
Now for the Good News! Everybody on this project gets 50% off the mandatory Purif when you're done!!



Genuine Meatball
Hmm.. The CoS could promise anyone who dies from asbestos a 500 million payoff next lifetime!

I'd do it in a hot second.. But then, I don't expect 'em to come back for it...
