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My Ups and Downs

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
This was similar to my experience. I was sold on book one, and fairly demanded to work on staff. I thought everyone would be an auditor, and thought I'd have to be a secretary or something for a while and then be an auditor myself.

Turned out, only a few of the staff were auditors, and most of them didn't have time or didn't have "the confront" to be auditors. I found that strange. I'm interested in hearing the rest of your story.

I hear ya there. I've seen a lot of people come in just blown away by DMSMH and have the same experience in the Org or Mission.


Next episode

DIV 6 & Happy Girl....Thanks for the info on the popcorn icon.

Welcome FoTi:happydance:

You got started around the same time as I did I believe, when was the Chateau Elysee purchased?

I too spent some time at CC and met Yvonne and Heber at the 8th St center.

Keep telling your story. I really like the how your writing flows.

:drama: and some for you too :drama: salt? butter?:yes:

My guess is it was purchased in 1973.

Thanks for the comment on how my writing flows. I'm glad somebody likes it.
That encourages me to continue.

Thanks for the popcorn too. :)

I've got my popcorn and I'm ready to type.

This time, I'll leave ASHO for a bit and talk about the Manor Hotel.

I moved into the Manor with my king size water bed, my art supplies (My major in college was Interior Design) and my many plants. I fixed up the room and made it more homey.

Most of the time, I really loved living there. It was such a friendly place and most of the people were really happy most of the time because most were getting auditing either at ASHO or the AO Anex right next door to the Manor Hotel - on the Manor grounds.

Mealtimes were really fun because people doing their OT Levels in the next building would tell their wins (that they could tell) at the table, and I loved listening to them. I remember one gal who had finished OT II and then she went to the dentist and came back all elated because she didn't have to use any anaesthetic and she didn't have to experience the pain she would have normally experienced at the dentist. I thought that was pretty cool. It was also fun because I enjoyed just walking into the dining room and sitting down and ordering and not having to cook or wash dishes for a while. I lived there for 4-6 months in the early 70's.

felt kind of sorry for the staff, though. They worked like dogs in a hot kitchen and running their tails off serving everyone at meal times. Sometimes I wondered why they did it, but I figured if they didn't like it, they could just leave, couldn't they? No one was twisting their arm to stay (were they?)

I do remember one time someone who came back from the ship talked about the overboarding of the Class VIIIs...I reminded myself never to go to the ship for training. I thought that was pretty severe and pretty stupid and pretty scary. How the hell was that supposed to make them audit better? And didn't LRH say that punishment doesn't work to make a person better?

I also remember one of LRH aides that had just come back from the ship...she talked about how LRH hardly ever slept and he would wear out his aides rather quickly because there was so much work for them to do. She said he wore her out and that's why she wasn't on the ship anymore.

At night, after everyone got off course and auditing, a bunch would gather in my room and party....play guitar, make music - I remember one night we got a bunch of pot and pans and had a band. LOL It was fun.

The gal who got me to move into the Manor also ran the switchboard at the front desk sometimes. One day I said..."Would you teach me how to do that?" She said "Sure." So I went and sat at the switchboard and she taught me how to run it...it was one of those old fashioned ones. Well, I got a few calls mixed up and the execs from upstairs came charging down to see what was the matter. I wasn't allowed to run the switchboard anymore. I didn't get in trouble, I just felt bad for her because they were all mad at her for letting me do it.

One night, shortly after I moved in, and after I started getting my auditing at ASHO, I was in bed, going to sleep and the next thing I knew I was hanging out about 10 feet up in the air over the stairwell that went into the underground garage at the south end of the Manor. I was just looking down at the steps..ho hum...dum..dee..dee.....all of a sudden I thought..:omg: I'm going to fall (as if my body was up in the air - but it was still in bed). I slammed back into my body and sat up with a jolt. That was my first real experience of being exterior a distance away from my body that I was aware of this lifetime. It surprised the hell out of me. I liked it. :yes:

One night after everyone was off course, I went to the room next door to mine to talk. The only person there had just completed OT7 that evening. A brand new OT7. We sat on the floor in the forier in the dark - there were no lights on anywhere in his room and I sat watching in fascination because the light he was radiating lit up the space where we were sitting. I wanted to go OT. :yes:

Another evening after course, a friend of mine knocked on my door. He was solo auditing on OT III and it was right before he completed. When I opened the door and looked at him...he was all fuzzy looking - kind of like his body was blurred..that's the only time I ever saw anyone look like that.

It was so much fun living at the Manor at that time with all the interesting things happening with all the people there who were getting auditing. It was so different than today. Scientology was fun then....sometimes scary...but mostly fun. Scientologists seemed to be a much happier lot then.

I remember one lady that lived across the hall from me...she was Ray Charles mistress :ohmy: She had her car parked in the Manor parking lot and someone stole it and she was quite upset about it. I asked her if she had had any thoughts about wanting to get rid of the car. She said she had. I said...well wouldn't it be better to sell the car instead of having it stolen? She said yes...she decided to get her car back so that she could sell it and a few minutes later the police phoned...they found her car...so now she could sell it. Fun stuff like this happened alot around that time. It was a kind of magical time.

One day when I returned home to my room, a Manor Reg came to tell me that I had to move out of my room because she had rented it to someone else for twice the amount of money that I was paying. :omg: WHAT??? She had showed my room...all decorated....to someone who thought it was nice...sure....but when I move out....it won't be there anymore. I was pissed. They got me to move in there and now they're going to kick me out? :angry: So, now she gives me this rule that says that I can only keep the room if I am living with a 2D. ?????????????? What kind of rule is that?
So, my boyfriend, wanting to help me out moves in. Now, they can't kick me out. 2 weeks later he announces to me..."I can't do this...I'm not in love with you"...he ends the relationship and goes down and handles the Reg on this issue and I get to keep my room. :screwy:

Before I got involved in Scientology I was so bored. After I got into Scientology I don't think I was ever bored...there was always something happening.....somebody was being entertaining or there was always something new to learn and some new experience to be had.

It was quite a fun experience to be living at the Manor in those days. This was my first time living at the Manor. I lived there again at another time period, but that's for another story.

I'm out of popcorn here.

Catch you later


Okay, more

Okay, I got my popcorn, so here's more.

I finished up the semester I was in at college before I sold the car, and the last thing I remember about school was.....one day after a session I went to a class and sat in the last seat in the back of the class and I was totally fascinated because I could see the threads and the space between the threads in the weave of the garment that the guy in the front seat was wearing...he was about 8 seats ahead of me....my perception was that good. I don't think I heard anything the teacher said because I was so enthralled with having this incredible perception. I wish it would have lasted. I'd love to still have that today. I don't recall what type of auditing I was getting at the time, but the results were awesome. I loved getting auditing!

Okay, back to ASHO.

They did get me in session pretty quick there, and it was intensive auditing, finally. I was getting my Life Repair at last.

I would ride the Manor bus to and from ASHO to get my auditing. One day, shortly after I sold the car to pay for the BC, my father asked me where my car was. Uh.....needless to say, he was not happy to hear that the car that he had bought me to get to school and work was sold to pay for auditing. This was not good.

I remember doing objectives....it didn't take long...maybe one day for all of it. I don't recall getting much out of it...it was sort of like playing games and all I wanted was to get back on the cans and run some more track stuff, so I was happy when objectives were over and I got back into the good stuff.

Everything was going fine. My mother was getting auditing too and for the first time her cheeks were pink and she looked healthier than I'd ever seen her look before. I was really happy for her. My father wasn't really doing anything besides bringing her into the org and waiting around for her to get her auditing.

Something came up...don't remember what it was....but my mother and I ended up in ethics in front of the MAA and I think it might have been something about my taking the money she gave me for school and putting it on auditing. She was upset with me for quitting school. I don't blame her because she had helped me financially to get through 3 1/2 yrs of college only to have me quit and throw it all away...in essence...wasting her efforts to help me get a degree in what I said I wanted to do. It was a lousy thing for me to do to her. If only Scientology had come into my life about 6 months later, this would not have happened this way. I would have been able to afford my own auditing. Oh, well. Anyway, in this ethics cycle she was upset about what I'd done and I felt guilty and I made a nasty comment about money being her god and that pissed her off even more. I talked about trying to pay her back and she said she didn't want to be paid back because she gave it to me and nothing ever did get resolved but she went back to auditing and so did I. So much for that ethics cycle.

Next thing that happened...

One day, my father walks up to me real friendly like, right before I went in session and makes a snide comment about LRH - something my dad had read that LRH wrote about somebody being their car. Well...I could not have anybody saying anything bad or remotely negative about LRH because I thought he was the greatest person that had ever walked this earth! I became very offended at my father's remark, but I didn't say anything. I was just pissed. (I never knew how to deal with my father because he was most of the time the devil's advocate on most anything. He sort of automatically argued even if it didn't make any sense. and I often lost my point of view in trying to deal with him.)

I went in session right after this encounter. I don't recall what we were running, but right in the middle of the session, out of nowhere I said "I don't want to talk to my father anymore, I don't want to see him or have anything more to do with him ever again". The auditor immediately ended the session and sent me to ethics.

The MAA showed me the policy on "Handle or Disconnect", before I could get any more auditing. I told him I didn't know how to handle my father because I'd get all confused if I tried to talk to him. I didn't want to disconnect and disrupt my mother's auditing or get my father upset, so I suggested that I get my auditing in one of the spaces across the street where there were some auditing spaces and that way I could get my auditing without running into him and my mother could continue to get her auditing and that way there wouldn't be any conflict.

That was my solution and I think it would have worked just fine. But...nope...the MAA said.."Handle or Disconnect". I told him I don't know how to handle my father so he had my father come into the MAA's office with me. It was a very short cycle. The MAA asked my father if he could grant me beingness. My father said that he realized that he tried to control me and my mother, but that he didn't know how else to act. He was a business owner and he was used to controlling people. The MAA looked at me as if to say...well? I didn't know what to do so I tried to tell my father that I needed to get away from him...not see him....disconnect from him so that I could make gains in my auditing. He looked rather dejected, said "Okay" and got up and left the room. I felt bad.

I suddenly got very dizzy and had to lean against the wall while I was still sitting in my chair. My head was spinning. My folder was immediately C/Sed and I went into session very quickly to try to handle what was going on with me. I wasn't in session for very long when I got very nauseous. I asked the auditor for a waste basket or something in case I got sick. He looked around. There wasn't anything in the auditing room for that. I told him I was going to get sick, so he handed me a folder. I :puke2: in the folder, all over the meter shield, the table, the floor and myself. I handed him back the folder and I said..."Here, give that to the C/S"....and he said "Now I know what the meter shield is for"...and we both cracked up laughing. What a stinky mess!!! I felt sorry for whoever had to clean it up.

Somebody took me back to the Manor. I was instructed to go to bed and stay there. So, for the next 3 days I was required to stay in bed and get touch assists. I was bent out of shape about having to do this. What ever happened to...whatever turns it on will turn it off? Why did I have to lay in bed for 3 days. More waiting. I never did understand that. It was just more agravation.

I made it back into auditing and it seemed that things were going okay when a couple of weeks later :shithitfan: The MAA walked up to me and told me that my mother had blown and was threatening to sue the church for the loss of her daughter and told me I'd better call her and handle her. :omg: I frieked.

I was petrified to call her. The phone sat there and it took all the courage I had to even dial her number. When she answered the phone, I told her I had heard that she was threatening to sue the church. She said that she decided not to sue because she didn't want to hurt the group that I belonged to, but she also told me that all I wanted was her money and she never wanted to see me again and I was never to come to her house, ever again. I said "Okay" and we hung up. Ouch! What a predicament.

The irony of this is that one of the things I was hoping was that Scientology would help us with our family relations. I was hoping it would improve my parent's marriage and also their relationship with me. Well, so much for that. Isn't Ethics wonderful? Isn't that Disconnection Policy great? Now both of my parents were SPs. :faint:

What a disaster. This was no fun. :no:

So much for tonight. It's getting late again. And I'm getting tired.

To be continued......

(Don't forget to turn back your clocks tonight. :) )


Gold Meritorious Patron
I see we taught you well, Grasshopper. Great use of icons. :goodjob:
Also, I had no idea it was turn-back-clock-time. Thanks for the reminder.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Grasshopper? What's that?

From "Kung Fu", a TV show in the 70s about a Shaolin priest wandering America. There was a flashback in every episode to his training as a boy in China, in which one of his teachers always called him "Grasshopper." I have heard that phrase used so much since then I thought it had become an American idiom.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Is there an echo in here?

I was in "reply" mode when my kitty wanted to be cuddled and given food, and I have plumbers in and out and got distracted, and by the time I hit "send" you had already answered without my knowing it. We aren't all as fast with a hyperlink as you are. Since she had asked me, it didn't occur to me anyone else would answer so immediately.
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