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"Crimes" or "wrong doings" within the CofS?


Gold Meritorious Patron
I used to be a good friend with Fred, Can you tell me which retirement village he is in? I would like to get back in contact with him and possibly offer some help.if needed. he was a good man.

Welcome goldtoday.
Hope you can reconnect and help.
If all other paths fail I am sure there is a registrar who could help jk (just kidding)


Gold Meritorious Patron

Having just reread this post I thought it might be of some help to accumulate some info on laws of various countries and states regarding unconscionable contracts.

This might help prevent the method currently being used be Scientology organizations and expanding to organizations such as may be registered as religious and or charitable organizations.
The current method I am talking about is the type of contracts scientology orgs ( Sea Org too?), wherein individuals become essentially pawns with no way of becoming a took or queen in the gamed and contracted relationship.

Are there laws or should there be laws, I suppose in contract law which absolutely deny any validity to such unconscionable contracts with any group/organization of any classification?

If organizations want to enter into the rights and power and restrictions enveloped in contract law then they and the law for that matter should include monitoring or testing for ' the drug of narcissistic and megalomaniac lack of equity or fairness intent and practice as evidenced by current and historical activity.

Transparency notice: I not a big fan of unmanageable big government or state big brother control. That doesn't mean I am a believer of pure anarchy either


Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: A very perturbing truth

Another cover up by OSA has recently come to light. This one though, is of a very sad nature and one that you'd need to brace yourself for before reading. I'm just going to give you the facts as I know them and will not make comment, for reasons that will become apparent.

First incident (mentioned in Feral's story)
Those in the Sydney field some years ago, will remember the incident when a little toddler was killed from an accident "on the stairs" of the org at Castelreagh St.

She was the daughter of two staff members on Fdn Org (the mum had recently left staff, cause she had just had a baby - one month old). The story or "line" given at the time, was that her father had taken her into the org that day, and was not watching over her, when she darted off, fell down the stairs, and later died. This line was widely promoted and was NOT true!

The father was on post, and the little fifteen month old girl was being minded in a room, with another little toddler, by a 14 year old with a broken arm (the "nanny"). The two toddlers left the room. One shot up the stairs, and the "nanny" chased after her. Meanwhile the little 15 month old toddler went down the stairs, tripped, rolled off the landing, fell through the minimal horizontal railing on the stairs, 20ft down the open stairwell, onto a terrazo floor, cracked her skull, suffered a massive brain damage and later died.

Second incident
About four years later, they had their son (4yrs) and two daughters (a 2 and a half yr old and an eight month old).

It was summer time. Potassium (a remedy for salt depletion as advised by LRH and CofS staff), was there "for the taking" to the family (the dad had worked in the org, and at Narconon, and was of the mind that "potassium" was a good solution for dehydration/salt depletion). Their daughter helped herself to the potassium when she was hot and bothered. This would not have been a problem if it was potassium gluconate that she took. But not so! She took potassium chloride (the very same administered by the org and Narconon) which was in the cupboard. All just cool and dandy supposedly. It's what the org and Narconon were administering on a daily basis. But get this, potassium chloride is what is given to stop the heart of condemned criminals (lethal injection). It's what this little girl took, and it killed her.

The already horrific scenario, was compounded by the State govt. authorities being suspect of the parents. They had already lost one child through their "reported" negligence. Now they had supposedly lost another, through same or ?. Why would these parents be letting their daughter take potassium chloride? The parents "couldn't" or "were forbidden" to tell that this is what their church was recommending for a "handling" of salt depletion and dehydration. The parents took the rap! Big time! Not only did the authorities blame them, but also the field bought the "lines" generated by OSA on their "supposed" negligence.

I went up to Newcastle to help at the time, at the father's request. Their eldest was being held in hospital, and went through gruelling tests, stomach pumps etc, in case the parents were trying to "kill him too". Their youngest ( an 8 month old baby) was taken from their care.

I heard both parents take calls from OSA the day after their daughter died. Both parents went through harrowing police interrogations, within 24 hours of losing their child. They were suspects for murder. They reportedly gave the police, the "lines" that OSA told them to give. They weren't allowed their kids back. They were being treated like criminals - I saw it at the cop station in Newcastle. I saw their heartbreak. Not only had they lost a second child, but now they were being treated as though they were her murderer, and they were being denied the care of their two remaining children. It was about a week before they were allowed to have them back.

We had the parents stay with us after this, and before the funeral of their second daughter. We were 'sheilding' them from the press, who wouldn't get off their doorstep at the time (we were already out of the CofS at this point). I helped the parents organise the funeral service. After the funeral service of their first daughter, the father was adament that this service would be one where friends and family would be allowed to grieve. The funeral service of their first daughter was changed by the AO Captain (unbeknownst to the parents), and was one where no eulogies were permitted, nor any grieving "allowed". The funeral service for their second daughter was held, and as you can imagine, one of the most beautiful, loving, but gut wrenching experiences ever.

In summary
How much extra pain through lack of support, did these two endure, because of the fucking OSA "lines" - "dad wasn't watching Lauren when she fell down the stairwell" and "mum and dad let their little one help herself to a major overdose of potassium".

These two very loving parents had to endure the loss of their two beautiful daughters, due to what I believe to be negligence on the part of the CofS. Any parent who loses a child, goes through the "what if's". The unfair and erroneously self imposed burden is always heavy. IMHO the CofS increased that burden 10 fold, by their "lines" and indoctrination to these parents (in order to "protect the church"), and due to the "lines" fed to others. What they desperately needed was love, care, understanding, compassion and support - this was denied them.

Fuck the CofS for this! To any lurkers, staff or OSA SO crew- step up! This story ALONE, is reason to walk away.

"This is ok"
(for those of you who don't know what this means - it's an attest that the above is true and correct!)



Master of Disaster
I used to be a good friend with Fred, Can you tell me which retirement village he is in? I would like to get back in contact with him and possibly offer some help.if needed. he was a good man.

It's not generally the policy on this board to give out private contact info to strangers. At most, you could give your contact info, and it could be relayed.

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
I used to be a good friend with Fred, Can you tell me which retirement village he is in? I would like to get back in contact with him and possibly offer some help.if needed. he was a good man.

I knew Fred too. He may not be still with us, I have a feeling I saw something somewhere and can't remember, sorry.
If he is he may be in the retirement home that scientology elders are sent to in Melbourne, I know a few were in the same place.

Enthetan is right, we don't give out private info on the board here. Once you have 2 posts you can receive Private messages, perhaps if someone knows they can contact you that way. Good luck.