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Scientology Flag OT Committee Annual Report


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Scientology Flag OT Committee Annual Report

Mike Rinder: Flag OTC Annual Report

As always, go to Mke's website for his analysis.









Arthur Dent

Silver Meritorious Patron
Under 'Other major activities - Winter wonderland" they do not fail to mention the "Brilliant PR all around" with Nourish to Flourish.
Can't they simply do good deeds? Quietly? Humbly? No, they are obnoxious as hell. And, mind you, its the OT committee doing this stuff....meaning on their dime and on their muscle. Not a bad thing, by any means, if it helps people... but they behave like some greasy politician. And they do it for the cult They can't help themselves... and they can't change... it's in the hat write-up. :eyeroll:

Do not read this is you are under the age of sarcasm.

The two examples of how well they are doing on the 10 000 project.

Fleeced a 70 year old into selling his property to pay to be called a Patron. That really is so so so Fucking OT and upstat!!!!!!!!

And some "crusty" OT IV. blah blah blah his handlings always turned into a "dogs breakfast".....since 1988? What great PR they weave into their reports. Tell me I'm mistaken. It's not real right??? HH wrote the whole OTC report....HH did you write it?

Once again so so so so so fucking OT!!!! An OT, and her team!!! managed to sell 10 books in 5 hours, at a book festival. I wonder if they got the lowest stats of all the festival participants. Please don't ask WHO bought the 10 books.
And she personally shared her blah blah blah by being able to honestly (WAS THAT A NEW THING FOR HER?) and blah blah EXPRESS A PERSONS RUIN! Yes! express a persons ruin! How fucking wonderful. Well here is her ruin expressed honestly. She is FUCKED! And so are all of her slimey scientology "OT"committee friends.