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Andy Porter's In and Out of the Church of Scientology

Claire Swazey

Spokeshole, fence sitter
reach out??? your kidding.

lol...sounds like the typical networkin dandelion.

I am not a scn'ist. Never will be. I am not in doubt, I remember those doubt days.
I know which side of the 6 foot fence I'll jump down from now. I think it's a good idea to pick a side. That's why I'm here...and not there.

Jesus Fucking Christ. I'm not "kidding". "Reach out" means contact or talk to. Call it whatever the fuck you want.

I wanted to forward a message from Andy because he saw what you wrote. He just wanted you to know he was receptive to discussing anything, if there was anything you wanted to discuss.

It's not like I fucking know your life's history. And I really don't give a shit. I'm just passing along something.

I'm like totally sorry my turn of phrase is a problem for you.

Lulu Belle

reach out??? your kidding.

lol...sounds like the typical networkin dandelion.

I have to admit that I never could stand that expression. "Reach out". It always sounded so ... smarmy.

But it's used all the time with sales people and in corporate-speak, so there's nothing wrong with using it.

Claire Swazey

Spokeshole, fence sitter
Yes. Considering the fact that I spend about two thirds of all my waking hours in a corporate environment, considering the fact that I've worked for offices all my damn life, and considering the fact that I was trying to forward a nice piece of communication (cuz it's not like Andy or I would know who the hell DoneDeal is or if he/she/it/they was someone who'd dealt with Andy in the past. I dunno bout you but I have yet to meet anyone whose mama christened them "donedeal") then I think it was beyond snotty and nitpicky that I get taken to task for saying "reach out". (and considering that the fucking spelling in the post snotting off to me about "reach out" wasn't perfect...just sayin')

Seriously, fuuuuuck!

I do hope that mode of expression proves acceptable.:coolwink:


Patron Meritorious
. I dunno bout you but I have yet to meet anyone whose mama christened them "donedeal"

Seriously, fuuuuuck!

I do hope that mode of expression proves acceptable.:coolwink:

Right on. Hey..I'm not backtracking here honest, but I wasn't saying you were the networking dandelion. It was the other guy involved, please read what he has done and what he's about.

Look, the only reason I posted to this thread at all in the very first place is because I noticed people praising his letter...and I wanted to get a vote in on the other side. Just like when DC did her thing, a ton of people were praising her. I didn't. Voted the other way.

See...I don't like scn'ists.

In hindsight, and I actually worried about this even before saying anything originally, I should have made sure to keep the posting impersonal, but I flunked the comm course.

Really, that is the reason I posted in the first place at all. Now let me get back to my spelling lessons.

Claire Swazey

Spokeshole, fence sitter
Ok, but it was my phrasing, not his.

I don't think he's really very much into Scn anymore. I know he said he was an independent or whatever and if he says he is, then I guess he is. But he seems to be mainly interested in getting on with life. I've yet to hear him talk about Free Zone or the tech says this or that and ain't it kewl. Ever.

It seems to me that some assumptions may've been made here.

I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I have a bit of a problem with people who don't like non CofS Scientologists or dislike people who may possibly be ex Scientologists. I'm married to an Indie and was one myself for several years. The Indie to whom I'm married and those with whom I socialize have done much to further criticism and possess great integrity and decency.

I also kind of have a problem with the not liking Scn'ists even if that Scn'ist happened to still be in the cult. Part of the critic's scene deals with the abuses and problems that happen. Well, to whom do they happen? Much of the time, they happen to CofS members. I think it can be a problem if compassion were not in the mix.

Terril park

Yes. Considering the fact that I spend about two thirds of all my waking hours in a corporate environment, considering the fact that I've worked for offices all my damn life, and considering the fact that I was trying to forward a nice piece of communication (cuz it's not like Andy or I would know who the hell DoneDeal is or if he/she/it/they was someone who'd dealt with Andy in the past. I dunno bout you but I have yet to meet anyone whose mama christened them "donedeal") then I think it was beyond snotty and nitpicky that I get taken to task for saying "reach out". (and considering that the fucking spelling in the post snotting off to me about "reach out" wasn't perfect...just sayin')

Seriously, fuuuuuck!

I do hope that mode of expression proves acceptable.:coolwink:

I approve of efforts of connection. :)