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COS E-Mail: Symbols on money "are intended to restimulate between lives implants!"


Genuine Meatball
Not quite right, Schwimm. God forbade Adam and Eve from eating the fruit of the tree as it would make them "like us". He wanted to keep them in ignorance and enslaved. <snip>
Did he now? .. Well, I'll have to assasinate the basterd then.. I hate slavers!

No.. I don't think that's what God wanted. - I credit Hubbard with the sentiment though..

Still, the motif on that bookcover shows Scientology white hat correcting the sequence of events prior to our gaining intelligence and self awareness.. Like that was an error back then..



Rogue male
Actually, Venus does have a rocky surface and is the planet most similar to our own.

The atmosphere doesn’t contain any free oxygen, has a pressure of 92 times the Earth’s and is topped by clouds of sulphuric acid. This combined with the fact that the surface has temperatures of around 460C, means that Venusian train drivers are a very hardy bunch indeed! :)

I wonder if Hubbard ever really thought that one day, not too far in the future, his nutty explanations of how things really were would be shown to be totally wrong by the advance of science?

Or perhaps he just got so caught up in his own fantasies, that he actually believed all the rubbish he churned out?


You are right, I revised my solarography and it's Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto that were gas.

Though I'm sure that 15 years ago it was thought that Venus was too, either that or I had an "MU".
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Nurse Pinch

Patron with Honors
What great reasoning to give all your money to the CofS - it restimulates a person on between-lives. I wonder if that's the new tactic in a reg cycle. "Give me all your money so your not restimulated by it". :dieslaughing:

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

Thanks, I needed that.


Idle Morgue

Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: COS E-Mail: Symbols on money "are intended to restimulate between lives implants!


:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:"MERCHANTS OF CHAOS"!:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

A.K. Myers

Patron with Honors
Re: COS E-Mail: Symbols on money "are intended to restimulate between lives implants!

I wonder if Hubbard ever really thought that one day, not too far in the future, his nutty explanations of how things really were would be shown to be totally wrong by the advance of science?

Old Hubbie also missed the boat on the Piltdown Man hoax.



Re: COS E-Mail: Symbols on money "are intended to restimulate between lives implants!

As to ^^^, actually science had progressed quite a ways by the time Hubbard came out with Dianetics (blaqh-blah), which is why, even though he was stuck in some drug-adled vision of utopian existance, the savior of mankind's sanity was roundly poo-pooed by just about every academic scholar who read his initial tripe, which pissed the old windbag off royally no doubt (I can just see it noa "How dare they try and fuck up my brilliant scam!", yarr :melodramatic:
Anyone with a 5-9th grade education reaqding his 'History of Man' and 'All About
Radiation' just frikken laughs and laughs, like my kid a couple of years ago reading over my shoulder~ 'Holy crap dad, this guy is a fruit-bat!' gotta love the education system here sometmes, I was so bleedin' proud! :clap:
Yarr, afternoon natter... oooo, natter, how PTS! :p

:cheers: to All, especially the fence-sitters, hey, come on in the water's fine!

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Mick Wenlock

Admin Emeritus (retired)
Re: COS E-Mail: Symbols on money "are intended to restimulate between lives implants!

Hmm... And I perceive that maybe Mick and others think I 'believe' this stuff.. I don't.. But I do find it interesting... Like the word 'mason' spelled out by the points of a davids star imposed om the pyramid.. That is the darndest of coincidences.. Or made deliberatly?

actually it is a case of someone seeking to find a pattern - and finding a pattern The top point doesn't actually point to anything the bottom two points actually point between the two letters.

Annuit Coeptis means " (he) has approved our undertakings" latin is a great language for ellipsis.

So the original article was wrong in almost every specific but it sure sounded like it was a conspiracy eh?


Re: COS E-Mail: Symbols on money "are intended to restimulate between lives implants!

At a point in the late 90's, they developed what was called the Materials Grade Chart.

The purpose of the chart was to co-ordinate your auditing with reading the materials concerning that Level or Grade Chart action.

It was promoted to assist you in getting the maximum out of your auditing by understanding the research that went on with that level.

The materials Consultant was a post that appeared to consult with the [STRIKE]target[/STRIKE] PC and sell him the materials that will get him to where he wanted to go based on his ruin and testing results and C/S recommends.

The promoted purpose was to maximize gain in auditing by understanding the materials of the level.

The true purpose was to sell more shit and make more money.
Consultant = reg

Materials = bookstore items

There used to be a Bookstore Officer. With all the releases of the lectures and shit "materials" became a better word than "books", I guess. I haven't looked at an org board lately, but I guess in a huge org you would have the BSO in charge of the whole area; a "books" reg unit that reges for books, lectures, meters; plus a library donos unit now; someone who keeps the stock in order; someone who liaises with the promo guys to order promo etc.
