Debbie Cook was sued by David "Darth Midget" Miscavige for allegedly violating Non-Disclosure Agreement(s) she signed before leaving Co$. Ray Jeffrey's office took the case and put Ms. Cook on the stand who testified about the horrors D.M. put her through at Gold Base. Instead of Cross Examining her, D.M.'s legal team requested the Judge to allow them to Settle.
The Settlement was handled by Jeffrey's team and approved by the Judge. That means Ray Jeffrey's office received their contingency fee (typically 33% - 45%) out of any moneys paid to Debbie Cook by the Co$ as a result of this settlement.
Since the terms of the settlement were and remain confidential and disclosure would constitute Breech of Settlement and result in substantial penalties, and neither Debbie, the Jeffrey's legal team nor D.M. or any of his people have disclosed the terms there is no basis in fact for any claim that she "walked away with millions".
Monique (not Marty) Rathbun who never was a member of the Co$ is the one who sued D.M. *personally* for ongoing harassment at his orders. She ultimately dropped the suit with her Judge's approval. The Jeffrey's office - because they took case on contingency - was out whatever billable hours they spent on that case (minus their retainer), true enough.
As of this date, no evidence that the Rathbuns received any monies from David "Darth Midget" Miscavige or his minions at Co$ has ever been produced - let alone "millions".
Michael A. Hobson
Independent Scientologist
[email protected]