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Members of the Nation of Islam are practicing the religion of Scientology


Nation of Islam seminar on the Scientology Tone Scale: Rising above emotions, into the thinking of God.



Why would god "think"? Ron says that's pretty low on the know to mystery scale.


What happens when they get to handling OW's......When did you fail to kill a Christian or a Jew?


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Re: FREE sets of Scientology Basics Books and Lectures for Nation of Islam Members

Nation of Islam Brother Nakia Muhammad gives thanks for the gift of free Scientology Basics books and lectures.




@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad again promotes the Scientology CCHR Psychiatry Industry of Death Exhibit.



* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Today I only share this post in effort to shed light bring understanding to help someone esp my family!!!! Every since i was a young girl i have seen love ones suffer from so called depression and anxiety! To the point at age 17 i started to experience it my self. For years i suffered with the thoughts of feeling like i was dying. When my dad died I wanted to die also. Never with the thought of killing myself. However i just was thinking death was coming for me. This became very overwhelming. Always nervous and afraid to be alone. This lasted for almost 10 years on and off. I felt like no one understood. Then i found The Nation of Islam.. This really brought me to a point where i could begin to cope with the thought and some of the pressures of life. As time went on faith and my duty to Allah and His Mission started to heal me. However i still had silent fears that only my husband and children could help me through. 10 years of that into my journey in Islam The Honorable Minister Farrakhan gave us a gift/tool called Dianetics. I began this process in 2010 I can't begin to explain the lifeforce that has been recovered for ME by handling my self. The more i go through this process of Auditing the more of these generations of curses are being unlocked and removed in me! Sanity is what i am regaining. So now i decided to train for more advance Auditor so I can HELP others at a quicker rate as I am being helped. Today my heart filled with tears as a love one/family member younger than me called me and is experiencing that same feeling of death thoughts. I was hurt at first then it kicked in I know exactly what to do. The 5 hours a day that i put in training and auditing is what i am going through for these very times. I will HELP my love ones and change the conditions of the mental anguish my family have suffered as long as they trust and allow me. They may not understand auditing but they love me and know i love them! So i write this post in hopes that those of us that have been commissioned by The Honorable Minister Farrakhan to become spiritual physicans keep going. Our lives depend on saving the life of another...To my family trust the process!!! I AM here for YOU! Breaking the cycles of mental suffering.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Nation of Islam Brother Shawn Muhammad plans to complete his Dianetics Extension Course, Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist Course, and Upper Indocs TRs Course, and start his Diantics Professional Auditor's Course, by Nation of Islam Saviour's Day (which will be in February 2018).

NOTE: The Upper Indoc TRs course is after the Scientology Student Hat and Pro TRs courses, and is taught in the Academy.

I believe it is reasonable to conclude that someone who completes Student Hat, the Pro TRs Course, the Upper Indoc TRs Course and the Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist Course is, in fact, a Scientologist.


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@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Nation of Islam Brother Kershon Xaiver has received his gift of free Scientology Basic Books and Lectures.

APDTA = All praise due to Allah.


More free sets of Scientology Basics Books and Lectures for members of the Nation of Islam.

I just took the screenshot. Notice the time. Also, again notice the phrase, "donated to you."




Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad wishes Scientology Sea Org members Happy Sea Org Day!

By the way, when was the last time you heard a Scientologist say Happy Saviour's Day?



This is confirmation that NOI are Scientologists (not just Dianeticists).

Scientific proof, in fact!

See her message? ("...making our planet better.."). That is one of the top 10 "tells" that someone is a Scientologist. Because in the DO NOTHING world of a Scientologist, they are always desperately trying to misdirect others away from the fact that they are DOING NOTHING. Hence, their rhetorical flourishes must always be populated with the grandiosity supported (they think) by the word "PLANET".

Example: SPEAKER STATES: "I recently failed my bar exam, proving that I am not always perfect on this planet.

LISTENER THINKS: "Wow, they are really OT and causative! They must be taking and passing the bar exam on other planets!!!")


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
This is confirmation that NOI are Scientologists (not just Dianeticists).
The entire thread is confirmation that NOI members are Scientologists (not just Dianeticists). Members of the Nation of Islam are becoming Class V Auditors, receiving metered auditing up to Clear, doing Super Power, in at least one case the Solo Auditors Course, joining staff, etc.

The only things NOI members haven't done yet is the OT Levels and perhaps the Ls. But given one NOI member has completed the Solo Auditors Course, they will be doing the OT Levels soon.

There is no need for tells or inferences. Read the thread. There is plenty of direct evidence in this thread that members of the Nation of Islam are practicing the religion of Scientology. They stopped being only Dianeticists a long time ago.


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Mike Rinder has an article about some of the items previously posted here.

More on NOI


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

I dont know what the run-of-the-mill NOI member thinks about this weird mashup of scientology and the NOI, but I do know what L. Ron Hubbard would say.

Mixing practices = squirrel. And there is no doubt this fits squarely within the Hubbard definition of “mixing practices.” Since when does rising up the Tone Scale equate to the “thinking of God”? And what does Doubting Thomas have to do with the Reactive Mind — Thomas refusing to believe Jesus had risen from the dead without seeing proof is the reactive mind at work?

Hey RTC — why aren’t you doing your job? They are even using your Trademarked terms without attribution? Somehow the NOI is allowed to do what nobody else is allowed to do? They go berserk if a scientologist uses “the technology” without acknowledging L. Ron Hubbard and paying a royalty. Let alone an “independent scientologist”…

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Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
The entire thread is confirmation that NOI members are Scientologists (not just Dianeticists). Members of the Nation of Islam are becoming Class V Auditors, receiving metered auditing up to Clear, doing Super Power, in at least one case the Solo Auditors Course, joining staff, etc.

The only things NOI members haven't done yet is the OT Levels and perhaps the Ls. But given one NOI member has completed the Solo Auditors Course, they will be doing the OT Levels soon.

There is no need for tells or inferences. Read the thread. There is plenty of direct evidence in this thread that members of the Nation of Islam are practicing the religion of Scientology. They stopped being only Dianeticists a long time ago.

Yeah, I know. I was just having fun by noting the "tell" that they are now using the word "PLANET" to punctuate their com particles on this planet.


Patron Meritorious
The entire thread is confirmation that NOI members are Scientologists (not just Dianeticists). Members of the Nation of Islam are becoming Class V Auditors, receiving metered auditing up to Clear, doing Super Power, in at least one case the Solo Auditors Course, joining staff, etc.

The only things NOI members haven't done yet is the OT Levels and perhaps the Ls. But given one NOI member has completed the Solo Auditors Course, they will be doing the OT Levels soon.

There is no need for tells or inferences. Read the thread. There is plenty of direct evidence in this thread that members of the Nation of Islam are practicing the religion of Scientology. They stopped being only Dianeticists a long time ago.

How on earth can somebody survive in life with TWO cults on their back? Scientology alone demands ABSOLUTE commitment and obedience.


Patron Meritorious