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My defence of Terril _ /facepalm

Claire, I agree with you, I am not a fan for the most part of the success stories either, but it is true that they helped other people leave the Church.

A lot of scientologists are afraid to leave simply because they think there is nothing else out there. Reading those helps them get the courage to walk out, but by being posted in ESMB also give them other perspectives from the critics about the whole scene.


There are tons of them all over the internet. BB has made a point of carpeting every scientology related site on the planet that he has access to with them. Any church member who can't find freezone success stories on the internet doesn't have internet access. They won't be missed from esmb. :yes:

Mark A. Baker


Ordinary Human
Imagine trying to solve an argument with Scientology, which sees and creates enemies everywhere... The more you try to fix it with Scientology, the worse it gets. Here's my take on it: If it isn't broken, don't try to fix it, but if it can't be fixed, forget it and move on. Aggrieved parties can take recourse to the courts of law, should they wish.



Gold Meritorious Patron
Never listened to tyhe lectures you refer to.
They are still available. Part 1 is here and part 2 is here. The demonstration is in two parts and is called "Running a Secondary." At the end of the first part and the start of the second part, Hubbard repeats the same painful question over and over until the woman is crying. She does not improve. It is sickening. That is Hubbard himself causeing someone suffering on tape using 'the tech.'