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LRH´s true intentions


Patron with Honors
I´m gonna tell you three fairy tales. Tell me which one you like best out of the three.

TALE 1: :unsure:

A man has heavy problems with himself, more concretely with his ego. He is afflicted by sexual problems, he can´t properly perform and is having a hard time with his manhood. He self-hypnosis himself to become the biggest name in his history. His intention is to hit it big, and he knows he either becomes a writer, a painter or a sculptor. He practices several occultism rhites for years, and through affirmations comes to the conviction that he will be able to dominate man. At the same time, he has heavy problems with his wife.

He writes a book on the mind, intending it as fiction, and never expecting it to become a blockbuster. It becomes a blockbuster. He sees the opportunity to make it big. But whenever he collaborates with people, his ego doesn´t allow him to keep and build long lasting relationships. His confidence is non extant. With the years, he becomes more and more paranoid about men, and starts to embed his paranoia about men, into his technology. He runs from one organization to the other, till he finds out, that the only way to make it is via an authoritative control system.

He flees to England, and tends to build it up from zero. Great people arrive there and help him out, both on the administrative and technical side. Any discovery which is made, he apropriates as his own. He is followed by the British Intelligence, as he is questioning somehow the status quo. He also flees from himself (and his deeds, stealing ideas from others) one more time, in the need of more control, which cannot be accomplished in the actual system of organization.

He builds a completely hierarchical management system, and shortly later finds the "technical" undercut for it, an older incident which affects all mankind, and that only him, the great saviour was able to uncover. This justifies new pieces of control: lower conditions, the RPF, the commodore´s messengers...

His paranoia about man gets more accute. There is us and them. And within us, there is a lot of hidden them. Degraded beings come into existence, pts tech. It is not anymore about helping, it is about defending.

His son dies, the father accumulates more and more karma.

In the end, his only escape is to finish in hiding as Howard Hughes, in the wildest dramatization of his paranoia about man. He dies lonely, and separated from his wife, with an injection of vistaril.

Facts for this tale are:

1. He has many followers, and many become his slaves, his affirmations worked.

2. Many women admire him. His affirmations worked.

3. He controlled men mentally with his mental constructs and way to see life.

4. Many people are abused mentally and physically and once they are out of his mental construct, realize what the trap was all about.

5. Many people believe it is the only way to save oneself and mankind.

Questions of this tale are? Were his intentions purely egocentrical? Did he also have an intention to truly help? Did "his" technology have some workability? What was the part that attracted people, beyond his affirmation to enslave? How come his affirmations had such a power over others, or are these two totally unrelated topics?

TALE 2: :goodorbad:

A man with heavy personality disorders gets involved heavily into the occult, till he believes he is Aleister´s Crowley follower. In other words, he believes he is the beast. Having direct powers from the occult and in touch with his guardian angel, The Empress, dives into the powers of the spirit, and gets a book dictated which contains lots of apparent truths, that for the time being, attracts 1000s if not millions of people. This false prophet manages to tantalize lots of followers that are hypnotized by his technology and the well built tales about his paranormal powers.

In order to stay in touch with the forces of the occult, this man keeps the heavy use of drugs, and does sadistic constant acts for the purpose of feeding this spirits of darkness and the darkness in himself.

Finally following the ideas of Crowley, this man develops a whole part of his technology based on demons existing in people´s bodies.

A final (still unclear piece of material, wether it´s his or not, but which fits into this tale 2) bulletin on OTVIII talks about the second coming, and how the forces of lucifer are realy the true ones and how his purpose is to fullfill the brief period of the anti-christ reigning on earth shortly. Would a world controlled by his group not look like an orwellian kind of anti-christ society?

He dies in paranoia probably followed by the same demons, he envisioned to see entrapped in everybody´s bodies, and having dust paranoia, and also paranoia about beeing emprisoned by the government due to his high mission.

Facts for this tale are:

1. The parallelisms between Scn. and Crowley´s theories and books are worriesome. The use of the term past lives and the need to know about them are key for magician. LRH´s admiration and quotes in the PDC. His numerous mentions about magic in several references.

2. His son affirming with no doubt, that occultism was the religion at home.

3. His sadistic practices and several quotes of his use of drugs.

4. His believe in the left hand path, and making man a god, are closely linked to left-hand path occultism, as well as his interest in the control of material possesions and huge wordly power as part of a spiritual path, are parallel to occult schools of thinking.

5. His despise for love and the heart. Diminshing love to "a conjunction of admiration and sympathy". The heart has no place at all in his philosophy and the world love neither.

6. His despise in upper levels for religions as being only an implant of the Marcabians, and a covert operation.

Is this man a Reptilian coming form the reptilian fear paradigm? In order to confuse it´s followers does this man enter into an "apparent" war with the controlling powers of the world, so as to appear the good in the battle? How far a Crowley´s ideas part of all this? How far are the Marcabians part of the same trap with the implanting of the idea of christian religion? What role is this perfect orwellian-type control group in the future of mankind, or is it just one more group controlled by the reptilians via IRS?

TALE 3: :bleh:

A man is a good writer, and sees his talent in writing. He writes mainly sci-fi novels and earns a good living by it. Having an experience of a dental operation and a near death incident, he researches into the mental arena. He develops an own techinque, which takes part and pieces from earlier techniques existing at the moment. Being a bit of an ego maniac, this man, doesn´t mention the true origin of the ideas he takes from here and there to develop his technology. He writes a book in 3 weeks, full of invented case histories, a few of which he truly processed.

The book becomes a boom. He sees the potential of it, and wants to be the only owner of the subject. He leaves the first foundation and gets to a second foundation in Phoenix, again his personality doesn´t permit him to stay long and steals all files from this organization in one night. He has a strong magnet to atract able people to himself. He also has the ability to grab good pieces of workable to technology and put them on his name.

Almost nobody that originally worked with him, stays with him long, as they recognize this pattern of having to be above. Nevertheless he believes in his mission to save mankind.

As time develops, attention is less on technique, and more on administration. The control of the whole operation, becomes more and more the center of interest for him, as well as his perpetuation as the leader.

This makes him create the true cancer of the administrative operation, the SPs policies, the RPF, the ethics policies, the CMO, OSA, which are the achilles heel on which the operation is being run.

This inborn cancern is being perpetuated by the new management, whose leader was raised in this paradigm, and is probably the reason while the giant may fall, this "little" inborn achilles heel cancer.

Facts for this tale are:

1. Many people have a win when they get acquainted with it. This becomes
their "stable datum" which makes them get further into the mind structure.

2. Some people resolve personal issues with the help of his technology, that
never again rise up later in their lives.

3. Some of his data are proven by personal observation and seem to be

Was the man right in how he built the organization, was it truly needed to preserve it from "attacks" and that way preserve the technology? What was paranoia, what was discovery? How far and what did he believe himself? Was it only for the money? Were there true intentions to help, at least at some moments or was it mainly for the ego of the character he created and believed himself? How far did he believe he was a Messiah, or how far did he know deeply inside in which regards he was conning, and how far did it affect him personally in his own consciousness (if it did at all) to entrap people in some regards consciously?


I believe:

- That the end NEVER justifies the means.
- That we must become the change we want to see (M. Gandhi)
- That the analysis of the man is key to understanding the thing.
- That we all have this man´s characteristics to one extent or the other, or
we would never have been involved in it, and that it is key to analyze this
traits in us, in order to get freed of the tentacles of the mental structure
that occupied our minds.
- That there was/is a double moral, to what was said, compared to what was
done, and that we all exe-s have been part of that double morale, and that
we need to get it sorted out, not to fall now in the opposite double morale.
- That true integrity, is to be ONE (integer) in latin with words and actions,
that LRH was not ONE, he didn´t have integrity with his words and actions,
and that it is important to analyze how far it is possible (it´s sometimes
impossible to get into the universe of a very complex personality) his
TRUE intentions were.

Well, I throw this up for discussion. I hope you find it interesting, to get more into depth about this, and not just throw it off as a con, and a con man, and that was it. I believe there are far many more nuances to it, and in order to reconcile with oneself, one needs to do this type of analysis.

I believe trying to understand his underlying intentions can help a lot, to uncover for oneself, what was the reason to get so deeply involved at first.

I´m very interested in your opinions about LRH´s deep and true intentions :drama:, specially those that were involved with him personally, and are still around in this forum, invaluable pieces of firsthand information.


Paul :typing:


Gold Meritorious Patron
First, I think you're reading more negativity into Crowley than is warranted.

Crowley's work is richer than I care to commit to fully understanding, but I do know two people who knew him and have done extensive background reading in both Crowley and his influences. He didn't think much of LRH, and it seems that his disdain was perhaps in good taste.

Unlike LRH, Crowley did practice what he preached. He was a complicated person, and he didn't balk at doing research or making things esoteric. In contrast, some of LRH's ideas, like that of simplicity (hah), seem a backlash against Crowley's deliberate obfuscation tendencies.


Patron with Honors
Hi thetanic

Can you expand more in how Crowley´s work is richer. Also check that my post was regarding LRH´s true intentions. Not that he necessarily followed Crowleys footsteps, but that he believed he did in some way. What do you believe were Crowley´s true intentions?

Could these two men, not come from a similar background, though filtered by their very different personalties and egos?




Gold Meritorious Patron
Can you expand more in how Crowley´s work is richer. Also check that my post was regarding LRH´s true intentions. Not that he necessarily followed Crowleys footsteps, but that he believed he did in some way. What do you believe were Crowley´s true intentions?

He founded (or co-founded) two of the major branches of ceremonial magick that are still extant today: A∴A∴, which he founded after leaving Golden Dawn and OTO. Many of Crowley's principles are underlying principles of modern pagan sects.

The exhortation, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will" has been quite misunderstood as well. It's not about hedonism per se, but about fulfilling one's spiritual goals through love. (The common Wiccan rede version of this is commony expressed as: "An it harm none, do what thou wilt," adding the constraint of non-harm, including self-harm.

On a personal level, Crowley was comfortable with his hedonistic tendencies in a way LRH never was. I think that, in this day and age, Crowley probably wouldn't raise a great many people's eyebrows, but he was quite scandalous in his time.

If you read a bunch of LRH stuff, only heterosexual sex was okay, only sex within marriage was okay, drug use was not okay -- he essentially ran his disagreements with Crowley on everyone else.


4th Senario

The man was part of a whole track seventh dynamic group whose mission was to reverse the dwindling spiral caused by the implanters. This group had tried before, but failed as the tech got into the hands of a few who suppressed it.

His personal mission was to get the tech out and known.

He accomplished his mission before he passed on.

Others of that original group had different missions.

Some of us have stepped in to make sure that the tech will never ever be lost again.

Some of us just spout sour grapes.:no:

Some of us do both.:eyeroll:

Some weren't on the original team but came in later:thumbsup:

In any case, the cat is out of the bag, the tech is in so many places it can never be lost--unless we quit using it.


The man was part of a whole track seventh dynamic group whose mission was to reverse the dwindling spiral caused by the implanters. This group had tried before, but failed as the tech got into the hands of a few who suppressed it.

His personal mission was to get the tech out and known.

He accomplished his mission before he passed on.

Others of that original group had different missions.

Some of us have stepped in to make sure that the tech will never ever be lost again.

Some of us just spout sour grapes.:no:

Some of us do both.:eyeroll:

Some weren't on the original team but came in later:thumbsup:

In any case, the cat is out of the bag, the tech is in so many places it can never be lost--unless we quit using it.

:pixiedust: I couldn't have said it better. :coolwink:

It's too bad Miscavige believes he is definitely on his version of this 'quest' and that the ends justifiy the extremes. No holds barred.
On another note, I have witnessed the furies that come from higher up beings getting into wars of "INTENTIONS". They can act like rabid dogs. Its as if one realizes that the one with stronger postulates will be the one who will be RUNNING THE SHOW. Whats up with that charge.... that overtakes and consumes a once mature person. I'd seen it amongst execs in our missions going up against orders from higher up. I even experienced it very embarrassingly in myself when competing ferociously in a sales market with NO clear territorial boundaries. I became obsessed about WHO was INTENDING what!!! Especially about who was counter-intending MY intentions. I felt exterior but oh so RABID! I'd go home and cry with embarrassment at the end of my day. Humiliated at my lack of grace. But I was consumed!!! Every day I was on a witch hunt for who was counter-intending me. I think it is a level of charge uninspected as one ascends... or tries to. I remember seeing a LOT of it.
Interestingly, the other day I was watching a documentary that had the 'infancy' gospels of Jesus. It was written that he went into rages and killed people and brought some back to life... according to some unpublished gospels. Terrible temper although very adept at using the life force. Blasphemy....and challenging to standard concepts.
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Gold Meritorious Patron
". . . only sex within marriage was okay . . . "

Er . . Um . . I think he was perfectly comfortable with "doing what he wilt" and shagging about outside of marriage.

Blue Spirit

Silver Meritorious Patron
All of the Above

All four "tales" above read true to me.

LRH certainly never lived up to "What Is Greatness".

Those who put him on a pedestal are blind to their own shortcomings,

likely as said in the OP about having to deal with similar aberrations.

THAT reads as true to this being.

The one thought I have about LRH is that he neglected his Case almost entirely.

His next step would be to come back and get it handled, only I know of none who could do it now. Maybe one, or so.


Patron with Honors
On intentions in general, and LRH´s intentions in particular

Hi again people!

well, I believe the subject of intentions is not only a very interesting subject by itself, but at the root of things. In old Eastern philosophy it all boils down to intentions, and things are pre-formed in the mental realm, and then represented in the physical realm. Intentions are before and beyond thoughts, they are at the root of the mind, for me, they are actually more in the spiritual realm than in the mental realm.

I agree that all 4 tales have a part of truth to them. Me being quite an analytical (not in the sense of anlytical-reactive, but in the sense of analyzing things deeply, sometimes too much) type of person, I´m quite interested in understanding the person, his purposes behind all this structure, and how he achieved in my personal case (case not like in bank, but in the sense of ocassion) and in other´s case, to entrap me so much, for the good and for the bad. How could this person manage to give my analytical powers away, my ability to uncover the laws of life on my own, and belief without doubt in most cases the data I simply ungulluly took as truths.

There must have been an intent behind it. It cannot just be, that this person simply wanted to amass mounts of money or power. It is neither only the willingness to help, because with this help came massive amounts of dominance, not only in physical, time and experiential terms, but also in the mental plane. What did this person truly intend?

I don´t buy into the "LRH wanted you to judge for yourself." If it would have truly been so, then KSW had never come to exist, and the checksheets created by him would have consisted of drills with the question "What part of this is true for you? What not?". He truly WANTED to make round balls out of square balls, and unify us in some sense mentally and spiritually, BUT WHY???

All over the tech, you have this orwellian "double think" thing. Watch his personal family life, and you will find the same: "double think". Compare his case and personal life and attitudes with his writings and you will find the same. Watch the actual structure of group and what it does, and you will find the same dichotomy. You could say, you could find the same dichotomy between words and actions in the Catholic Church, to just name another group, and i wouldn´t agree, in the sense that there is no strong affirming that "we have the tech or we are perfect". What I mean, is that LRH´s personality, and LRH´s INTENTIONS, pervade all what we have experience with this philosophy and with this group.

This mix of help and fuck up, is quite confusing, ain´t it? Yes, it´s easy to brush it aside as "it was all fuck up, the help was made up". NO. I disagree. There was help, and there is help in the tech, and workability to it.

Was it meant as a hook, in order to then make you walk the labyrinth of neverending curves to the road to "freedom"? Do you believe he was not aware that his bridge was not finished, and that it was not a road to total freedom? Do you think he wouldn´t know it ended up into nowhere, and there were no levels above VIII?

Do you buy into, "he didn´t KNOW what he was doing"? "He did it only for the money, ego an power". "He went crazy with time." "He was ok at the beginning, then after he changed." "He was in the light side, and then changed to the dark side." Come on!! I don´t buy into that. Such an able being, ´cause one must admit he was very able, displayed so many characteristics at the early stages (1950s) of what it was to become in the 1960s, then later in the 1970s, and in the 1980s and now in the 2010s... I mean the cancer is at it´s ROOT. Just watch, please. So the question as to WHY? And what is the true intention is not a petty question at all. There is a fine red line into it all, a thread.

There is always a WHY behind it, there is always an intent. And I´m not talking about the WHY in Data Series, scn. terms. So this was the original purpose of this thread, and didn´t get much of answers to it.

Going to the opposite side, of saying "well, it was all a scam, he was a con man, I don´t want to have anything more do with it", or the other, "I hate this guy, the subject and anything having to do with it, it is ALL B.S.", or "I don´t give a damn about it, good I´m out". All of this answers don´t serve ME. Why? Because I haven´t LEARNED them. How could I be so DEEPLY involved with it? Well yes, there is the simple explanation of the "implant" of KSW, which has it´s value, there is the way it is build "some good wins at the beginning", and then you go with the rest. But THOSE good WINS, WERE TRUE. So why, why, why??? Do you get my point now?

To say, "ah you guy, you are just recently out, you will get rid of it with time" is condescending, I don´t buy it either.

I believe that truly understanding the most of the factors coming together to the creation of this philosophy and movement, and also to understand the most possible about it´s convoluted and complex leader, will help a lot to undo the "magic spell" of it, over many of us.

So, this was MY reason to ask for LRH´s true intentions. And this thread and post, was mainly intended for those who had been close to him at some point, or had seen his "double thinking" orwellian personality. I believe all over the subject, we have this dichotomic structure, of the good and the bad in it, as well as we can appreciate it in his personality, but WHY, WHY, WHY?

Are we humans dichotomic by nature? Why did we get attracted firsthand to it? How far we have or had similar character traits? How far is it reasonable to look for an ALL ENCOMPASSING solution to all problems, for a one solving formula? If we were in, we believed that such a solution could or would exist. If we bought into it, we bought into the "only way" lie.

I still remember the first day I came to an org, and how I had mixed emotions of awe on one side, and fear on the other. I believe the whole structure is a mix of these two emotions. Weird, ain´t it? If you go to the affirmations it very well aligns with what is intended there. But why? Why would this "person", if he was a spirit, like most of us, and not something send by who knows, had such a tantalizing mental power over me? Why didn´t I follow my first mix of impressions? What´s the underlying mechanism and intent?

Don´t you think guys, these are all questions, at some point or another we have asked ourselves on the way out? Don´t you think this kind of questions are important somehow?

So now, that I explained myself much better, I´m very interested to know your ideas, perceptions, comments, criticisms on my points, and on what LRH´s TRUE INTENTS might have been (it´s pure speculation we can do, as we can get into his skull, or can´t we? :omg:), and where he was coming from. How far do you believe he was aware of the entrapping of people, :no: and how far did he justify it to himself, :yes: how much he was from HIS standpoint into helping, and how much he was aware of enslaving? :whistling:

That is my original thread question clarified. Specially you guys with some track record with the guy, that would be interesting to hear your take on this!

As far the most explanatory thread and most interesting read on this whole board about it, is the thread with Alan, Mistyc, Roger and C. but still i want you guys to develop more on the probable or possible intentions of the man, your ideas on it.


we can't get into his skull, or can we? :omg:

In August 1938, L. Ron Hubbard wrote to his first wife, telling her about the manuscript 'Excalibur', which he had just written:

"I have high hopes of smashing my name into history so violently that it will take a legendary form even if all the books are destroyed. That goal is the real goal as far as I am concerned. Things which stand too consistently in my way make me nervous. It's a pretty big job. In a hundred years Roosevelt will have been forgotten - which gives some idea of the magnitude of my attempt. And all this boils and froths inside my head."

Additional content from this 1938 letter - sometimes called Hubbard's "mission statement" - can be found on the inside front flap of the 3rd edition of 'L. Ron Hubbard, Messiah or Madman?', and in the chapter, 'Layer 6', of 'Brainwashing Manual Parallels':


One possible reason why it can be difficult to convey a complete description (or attempt at a complete description) of the secretive subject of Scientology:


It also helps to have three eyes, but that's another story.



Patron with Honors
I came to a conclusion re: his intentions

hi Veda and others,

after thinking it over, I came to a final and simple conclusion. LRH´s intention in the core not so good, as they were clouded by the EGO. When things are done to feed the ego, they are dichotomic. That´s why the outer shell of the onion seems good, but the inner shell is probably one of the most insidious controlling structures of the XXth century you could imagine.

It all comes from his need to feed his ego. Ego and mind are closely connected, so there you go. Reading Eckart Tolle made it all so much more simple for me, and understandable.

I´m still certain, what you have in the spiritual realm, is what you get in the physical one. You have both in Scientology, a very positive shell, some workable technology to help people, and a very insidious all controlling core mechanism, not only adminwise: OSA, disconnection, RPF, etc... but from the spiritual viewpoint: guilt, separation (we are the only ones to save the whole universe), rationalization of any crimes (anything is ok for the greatest good).

All of this being put at the center, this ego trip of LRH is what created the monster. So much significance into mind, in the end gets you trapped.

The spirit IS NOT the mind. The spirit IS NOT the ego.

So my balance: His intentions on the outer seemed helpful, but the inner core is got have "men at his feet", that´s what all was for, not for the money, but to feed his ego, nothing less and nothing more.

This doesn´t change the facts, that many of the data are true: past lives, processing, study tech, and some others. It only puts it into perspective to shed light into why all was created from the founder´s perspective.

At the core is a huge feeding of the EGO, which is only continuated by DM.

If you look at it, there is two paths. The left-hand path which is EGO feeding, the EGO becomes bigger by it, but it comes to crush against a wall, as it goes deeply against natural laws. The right-hand path is about love, humbleness and true spiritual awareness. The left-hand path will always lead to the dark side, no matter how you structure. Scientology is nothing more and nothing else than another left-hand path system, only just much more egotic than other´s due to the basic ego of it´s founder.

That´s why I think it´s right to take the good of it, and forget about the bad. Wether you call yourself a Scngist, in the Freezone, or you don´t call yourself one, is beyond the point.

I felt very good once I could disassociate the good from the bad, with no hard feelings, with no rage, loss or any of that. In the end all stem from a not very aware man. Had he been aware, his intentions would have been different. It is better to forgive and take responsibility for one having given his mind away. And then continue on the TRUE spiritual path, it exists! (not in the form of a specific group or technology, but in the form of INDIVIDUAL self-awareness, learning and growing spiritual, is a VERY PERSONAL path, and much more freeing and enjoyable, by the way!)

La La Lou Lou

I think he really thought that he had somehow come through time without becoming degraded, as everyone else had.

We were well bellow him, and though he cared for us, it was like a botanist feeling slightly sorry as he squewered ants onto pins. Our lives were really immaterial. He wanted to have someone equal to him to play with, he felt alone. No one came up to his exulted level though. Not the tech's fault, but proof that we were all lower life forms.

I think he looked up to Crawley, but his admiration was not returned, or appreciated. He was the only one he thought was on his level. His family were no better, just expendable lower beings, despite the time and effort he put into them.

In the end I think he just gave up.

Terril park

Hi again people!

well, I believe the subject of intentions is not only a very interesting subject by itself, but at the root of things. In old Eastern philosophy it all boils down to intentions, and things are pre-formed in the mental realm, and then represented in the physical realm. Intentions are before and beyond thoughts, they are at the root of the mind, for me, they are actually more in the spiritual realm than in the mental realm.

I agree that all 4 tales have a part of truth to them. Me being quite an analytical (not in the sense of anlytical-reactive, but in the sense of analyzing things deeply, sometimes too much) type of person, I´m quite interested in understanding the person, his purposes behind all this structure, and how he achieved in my personal case (case not like in bank, but in the sense of ocassion) and in other´s case, to entrap me so much, for the good and for the bad. How could this person manage to give my analytical powers away, my ability to uncover the laws of life on my own, and belief without doubt in most cases the data I simply ungulluly took as truths.

There must have been an intent behind it. It cannot just be, that this person simply wanted to amass mounts of money or power. It is neither only the willingness to help, because with this help came massive amounts of dominance, not only in physical, time and experiential terms, but also in the mental plane. What did this person truly intend?

I don´t buy into the "LRH wanted you to judge for yourself." If it would have truly been so, then KSW had never come to exist, and the checksheets created by him would have consisted of drills with the question "What part of this is true for you? What not?". He truly WANTED to make round balls out of square balls, and unify us in some sense mentally and spiritually, BUT WHY???

All over the tech, you have this orwellian "double think" thing. Watch his personal family life, and you will find the same: "double think". Compare his case and personal life and attitudes with his writings and you will find the same. Watch the actual structure of group and what it does, and you will find the same dichotomy. You could say, you could find the same dichotomy between words and actions in the Catholic Church, to just name another group, and i wouldn´t agree, in the sense that there is no strong affirming that "we have the tech or we are perfect". What I mean, is that LRH´s personality, and LRH´s INTENTIONS, pervade all what we have experience with this philosophy and with this group.

This mix of help and fuck up, is quite confusing, ain´t it? Yes, it´s easy to brush it aside as "it was all fuck up, the help was made up". NO. I disagree. There was help, and there is help in the tech, and workability to it.

Was it meant as a hook, in order to then make you walk the labyrinth of neverending curves to the road to "freedom"? Do you believe he was not aware that his bridge was not finished, and that it was not a road to total freedom? Do you think he wouldn´t know it ended up into nowhere, and there were no levels above VIII?

Do you buy into, "he didn´t KNOW what he was doing"? "He did it only for the money, ego an power". "He went crazy with time." "He was ok at the beginning, then after he changed." "He was in the light side, and then changed to the dark side." Come on!! I don´t buy into that. Such an able being, ´cause one must admit he was very able, displayed so many characteristics at the early stages (1950s) of what it was to become in the 1960s, then later in the 1970s, and in the 1980s and now in the 2010s... I mean the cancer is at it´s ROOT. Just watch, please. So the question as to WHY? And what is the true intention is not a petty question at all. There is a fine red line into it all, a thread.

There is always a WHY behind it, there is always an intent. And I´m not talking about the WHY in Data Series, scn. terms. So this was the original purpose of this thread, and didn´t get much of answers to it.

Going to the opposite side, of saying "well, it was all a scam, he was a con man, I don´t want to have anything more do with it", or the other, "I hate this guy, the subject and anything having to do with it, it is ALL B.S.", or "I don´t give a damn about it, good I´m out". All of this answers don´t serve ME. Why? Because I haven´t LEARNED them. How could I be so DEEPLY involved with it? Well yes, there is the simple explanation of the "implant" of KSW, which has it´s value, there is the way it is build "some good wins at the beginning", and then you go with the rest. But THOSE good WINS, WERE TRUE. So why, why, why??? Do you get my point now?

To say, "ah you guy, you are just recently out, you will get rid of it with time" is condescending, I don´t buy it either.

I believe that truly understanding the most of the factors coming together to the creation of this philosophy and movement, and also to understand the most possible about it´s convoluted and complex leader, will help a lot to undo the "magic spell" of it, over many of us.

So, this was MY reason to ask for LRH´s true intentions. And this thread and post, was mainly intended for those who had been close to him at some point, or had seen his "double thinking" orwellian personality. I believe all over the subject, we have this dichotomic structure, of the good and the bad in it, as well as we can appreciate it in his personality, but WHY, WHY, WHY?

Are we humans dichotomic by nature? Why did we get attracted firsthand to it? How far we have or had similar character traits? How far is it reasonable to look for an ALL ENCOMPASSING solution to all problems, for a one solving formula? If we were in, we believed that such a solution could or would exist. If we bought into it, we bought into the "only way" lie.

I still remember the first day I came to an org, and how I had mixed emotions of awe on one side, and fear on the other. I believe the whole structure is a mix of these two emotions. Weird, ain´t it? If you go to the affirmations it very well aligns with what is intended there. But why? Why would this "person", if he was a spirit, like most of us, and not something send by who knows, had such a tantalizing mental power over me? Why didn´t I follow my first mix of impressions? What´s the underlying mechanism and intent?

Don´t you think guys, these are all questions, at some point or another we have asked ourselves on the way out? Don´t you think this kind of questions are important somehow?

So now, that I explained myself much better, I´m very interested to know your ideas, perceptions, comments, criticisms on my points, and on what LRH´s TRUE INTENTS might have been (it´s pure speculation we can do, as we can get into his skull, or can´t we? :omg:), and where he was coming from. How far do you believe he was aware of the entrapping of people, :no: and how far did he justify it to himself, :yes: how much he was from HIS standpoint into helping, and how much he was aware of enslaving? :whistling:

That is my original thread question clarified. Specially you guys with some track record with the guy, that would be interesting to hear your take on this!

As far the most explanatory thread and most interesting read on this whole board about it, is the thread with Alan, Mistyc, Roger and C. but still i want you guys to develop more on the probable or possible intentions of the man, your ideas on it.

Here's my 2 cents:-

He was a genius in his very broad field and his work is filled
with wisdom. And areas of potential problems.

LRH considered himself above the law, above the rules, including
his own laws and rules.

Two of his statements I consider key to how he behaved. There
is some tape and I don't recall which [ hope someone else does]
where he makes a parable something along the lines of people
trapped in a death camp or similar, and he finds a way out but
people don't believe him, or are scared or something and he says it
would be justified to knock them over the head and carry them out of the death camp.


520303 HCL 1 - Scientology - Milestone One. You also can
find it in New R&D-Volume 9, p. 456

"If you will just stay with me on this line, up to the first
milestone in Scientology, and bring yourself up to a high level of ability
and apply yourself to that, you will be free - free from me and from
Scientology too!"

Then LRH was a very fervid exponent of ends justifying means.
One might consider the second statement the "ends", and the first
a parable of various "means".

Added to the above is whatever his own case problems were, or

He, and his creation were attacked very severely, by governments
and other agencies. Back in the sixties there was less justification for
that than there is now. Millions of internet trees have been destroyed discussing all this.

The tipping point IMO was the illegal acts against government agencies
that resulted in arrests and LRH going into hiding. Had LRH not been in
hiding, I think its very possible the attack on the missions would not have happened, DM would still be a cameraman's assistent at best, and it would still be considered that a career in an org was as valid as a university education.

Along the way I see LRH as getting angry at times, and using the means
rather than promoting the ends. KSW 1, fair game, disconnection, to
name only the most prominent and well known among many means.

Weather his intent was the ends above all else, I say it is of lesser importance. More important is whether his work is usefull to us here
and now.

See the "Freezone Success stories" thread for why I consider his work has value.

Below LRH quotes where he talks about ends, in a very positive way.



"I consider all auditors my friends. I consider them that even when they squirrel. I believe they have a right to express themselves and their own opinions. I would not for a moment hamper their right to think. I think of auditors and Scientologists as the Free People." ...

"I don't expect auditors or Scientologists to instantly agree with or seize upon whatever I say. I would be offended if they did and would feel they weren't a Free People. Since they are intelligent I expect them to think over what's said, try it, and if it's good for them, use it. That old auditors sooner or later come back to and use what I have discovered isn't any testimony to our relationship at all, it's only a testimony to my being right because I meant to be right in the first place." ...

"I sorrow when I see somebody accomplishing less than he should because he thinks I wouldn't approve of it. In organizations and out I count upon initiative and good judgment.

L. Ron Hubbard, PAB 79, 10 April 1956, THE OPEN CHANNEL


This is a fascinating LRH quote from 1959. He decries the subservience of knowledge to special interests, and all the "now-I'm- supposed -toos" Guess he'd be a freezoner were he here. :)


The fate of any piece of knowledge man has ever been able to learn about himself, his society or this universe has [been to] sooner or later become subservient to some special interest with a curve on it to make more slaves. And this is one time when as long as I’ve got words in my mouth and breath in my thetan - this is one time that curve isn’t going to happen. And that’s all I want your help in. We want to make sure that what we know never comes to serve some special interest for the subjugation of man.

All Dianetics and Scientology attempts to do is to undo the magic spell which has made people less than they want to be. And to do that it requires that some truth be known. And that the central and principal truths of man be know, merely as truths - not as pitches and curves to serve some different reason or purpose. And that information is its own best protector. If it is itself, if it is what is known, if it is what has been learned, then it undoes its own spells. And the only possible excuse we have for training anybody, for processing anybody is that Dianetics and Scientology will undo Dianetics and Scientology. And that’s the first time known in the history of man that a subject, if it ever curved down, could also go up - that a subject undid itself. And that would be true knowledge.

We must never let what we know get into a state whereby it itself is a tremendous numbers of 'now-I’m-supposed-tos.'

L.Ron Hubbard, c59118c, Final Lecture


The man was part of a whole track seventh dynamic group whose mission was to reverse the dwindling spiral caused by the implanters. This group had tried before, but failed as the tech got into the hands of a few who suppressed it.

His personal mission was to get the tech out and known.

He accomplished his mission before he passed on.

Others of that original group had different missions.

Some of us have stepped in to make sure that the tech will never ever be lost again.

Some of us just spout sour grapes.:no:

Some of us do both.:eyeroll:

Some weren't on the original team but came in later:thumbsup:

In any case, the cat is out of the bag, the tech is in so many places it can never be lost--unless we quit using it.

The Tech is the implant.


Having been but a tulpa apparition, Lips Hubbard had no "intention" of his own. Hubbard was just a shell of a human, soulless, inserted into this cycle of incarnation to guide you away from Spirit. A sort of a last-ditch stand by the demons/devils/vampires/ego-maniacs in the lower levels of Bardo/The Psychic Darkness/Purgatory/Afterlife/call it what you may.


Patron with Honors
Hi Mystic

You mean 4th dimensional beings, in order to avoid the upcoming consciousness raise. As a last ditch intent, and that´s why he says, they are short of time, right?

Couldn´t agree less with you. From my experience he was not completely human, not completely with heart, this making him unhuman in some way. So much clouded into the mind structure-cage-prison, and so little of love-heart. Emotions are simply part of a scale, love is a mixture of admiration and sympathy. Sympathy is despective, basically all human traits are dehumanized in his "vision" of a super-human. All over his texts there is comptempt for being "human". Isnt that the UTTER EGO TRIP? A human being has a complete heart dimension, even if it´s very buried, but it is still there. The heart is one of the working paths to the spirit. Going completely mental is going AWAY from Spirit. I fully agree.

That´s why I said, he might have been somehow reptilian in form. You name it tulpa, I checked it in google, fine for me too. Read about the reptilians and their form of operation, and tell me what you think. The vast series of 4th dimensional phenomena and the forces of spirit, on the 5th dimension are real to me.

