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LRH´s true intentions


Patron with Honors
Hello La La

I think he really thought that he had somehow come through time without becoming degraded, as everyone else had.

We were well bellow him, and though he cared for us, it was like a botanist feeling slightly sorry as he squewered ants onto pins. Our lives were really immaterial. He wanted to have someone equal to him to play with, he felt alone. No one came up to his exulted level though. Not the tech's fault, but proof that we were all lower life forms.

I think he looked up to Crawley, but his admiration was not returned, or appreciated. He was the only one he thought was on his level. His family were no better, just expendable lower beings, despite the time and effort he put into them.

In the end I think he just gave up.

Are you meaning that he WAS SUPERIOR? If he had been truly superior, he wouldn´t have had this fits and put children in a locker, created the RPF, and had put pictures of himself all over the orgs, which before was NOT the case. A truly superior being is ego-less. My best living example is Gandhi. He didn´t do it for the fame, the ego, his self-image, he did it out of pure conscience. I bet he is out of the 3rd dimension cage now.

I don´t dispute the fact that LRH was over-average. And that he was a genious creating this whole "system". I dispute that he was "better." I have my doubts wether he was "human", or any other type of entity. His deep coldness, hints me at that. This could also explain easily the dichotomic nature of the subject and the person, him being a non-human "entity". Comparing is an ego-construct. In the end we ARE all the same dynamic, or call it awareness. When you said "expendable" lower beings, I guess you meant it was from his dimension, right? In the end, law of karma exists. One only needs to see how encaged and trapped he finished his days. Laws of Nature, can´t be over-created, or not followed, being the law of cause and effect one of them, as you saw, so you reap.


Patron with Honors
LRH considered himself above the law, above the rules, including
his own laws and rules.

Two of his statements I consider key to how he behaved. There
is some tape and I don't recall which [ hope someone else does]
where he makes a parable something along the lines of people
trapped in a death camp or similar, and he finds a way out but
people don't believe him, or are scared or something and he says it
would be justified to knock them over the head and carry them out of the death camp.


520303 HCL 1 - Scientology - Milestone One. You also can
find it in New R&D-Volume 9, p. 456

"If you will just stay with me on this line, up to the first
milestone in Scientology, and bring yourself up to a high level of ability
and apply yourself to that, you will be free - free from me and from
Scientology too!"

That could be PERFECT PR, same with The Way to Happiness, and other writings and policies. I mean this double-lip service is all over the tech. I haven´t seen a SINGLE RUNDOWN, a SINGLE WRITING, supporting to GET RID of the TECH or get RID of LRH. As a matter of fact, if it wouldn´t be something ADDED, you wouldn´t need to get rid of IT. So what´s the true intent about writing to get rid of him, LRH? Funny. Shows the tail, hahaha.

Weather his intent was the ends above all else, I say it is of lesser importance. More important is whether his work is usefull to us here
and now.

Couldn´t agree LESS. Hitler did excellent highways for Germany. They are still used. They are the best of Europe, and connect the country from North to South. Could you feel the karma behind those roads? I mean, it is crucial for which intent and from which viewpoint are things created. It´s kind of an extreme comparison, but it serves my point. The great buildings of the church are build on the "sweat" and "blood" of many Scientologists, that have donated on the blood and way beyond our possibilities in many cases, not to mention the slave labor of the SO, without the slightest acknowledgement, including abortions. For how long will us humans justify the ends above the means, don´t they see, the are closely interrelated, or better said, completely related. "As above so below" As a Man Thinketh, so as in the spiritual realm, so below on the organizatory one. If the intent was one, so will be the stones of the building.

In words of Gandhi:

"We must BECOME, the Change that we want to achieve."

See the "Freezone Success stories" thread for why I consider his work has value.

I fully believe those wins. Just only for your thoughts, shouldn´t we take some time to consider the basic intent behind all it? Take three steps back and just LOOK in the spiritual realm, and with what purpose it was all created?

Below LRH quotes where he talks about ends, in a very positive way.

Taking I bought for almost 2 decades, I´m more into his ACTS and INTENTS.

Terril park

Thanks for the Marty Rathbun-esqe effort at LRH-image PR damage control. Most of us, however, are not falling for it.

You as always are doing PR here.

I stated my personal opinion.

You said:-

"Most of us, however, are not falling for it."

" We" should believe you?

Please explain.

Terril park

I fully believe those wins. Just only for your thoughts, shouldn´t we take some time to consider the basic intent behind all it? Take three steps back and just LOOK in the spiritual realm, and with what purpose it was all created?

Below LRH quotes where he talks about ends, in a very positive way.

Taking I bought for almost 2 decades, I´m more into his ACTS and INTENTS.

Do as thou wilt. :)

La La Lou Lou

Paul.spiritualquest, no he wasnt superior, he was as much sheep as the rest of us flock.

However he thought he was one of those gods that run planets.

He thought he was above mere laws, and complexities like love.

I would love someone to do a psychological profile of him. Any takers?


Patron with Honors

The best take for such a profile is COMPLETE AND UTTER: EGOMANIA. I believe he was one of the biggest egomaniacs in the realm of religion, philosophy or spiritual technologies. At least of the last century.

Remember the policy where he explained how much people buy Ron´s Scn. and that is why pictures must be all over?

Imagine Gandhi explaining how his pictures are needed all over India, because non-violence will be bought only "HIS" style, hence his pictures needed all over?

This correlation of spirituality and HIM, is kinda weird, to say the least.


Patron with Honors
Do as thou wilt. :)

Hi Terril,

I have personally won a lot from the Tech, and I have advanced to a certain spirtual point. Many of the truths stated by LRH were NOT CARRIED THROUGH by him and by his group. The promises were not kept. I also took on many things, THAT WEREN´T TRUE. Punto.

If you guys out there in the freezone, apply the tech from a self-less truly helping viewpoint, I´m only fully for supporting that.

I have a question for you on that? What do you think now of KSW 1? Do you believe Scn. is the only way out of the trap? Do you have your own view on that? What happens to other spiritual paths are they just leading to a dead-end? Is Scn. leading FULLY out of the trap?


Patron with Honors
Hi Veda

I also liked the link to your post on the dichotomic aspect of Scientology itself. It was kind of a milestone for me, helped me a lot to come further and let go of the negative aspects, keeping the good ones. Helped to truly and deeply understand.

Thanks. :thankyou:


I Like #1 the best.

I´m gonna tell you three fairy tales. Tell me which one you like best out of the three.

TALE 1: :unsure:

A man has heavy problems with himself, more concretely with his ego. He is afflicted by sexual problems, he can´t properly perform and is having a hard time with his manhood. He self-hypnosis himself to become the biggest name in his history. His intention is to hit it big, and he knows he either becomes a writer, a painter or a sculptor. He practices several occultism rhites for years, and through affirmations comes to the conviction that he will be able to dominate man. At the same time, he has heavy problems with his wife.

In his adolescence he was a heavy masturbater and his Mother chided him with threats unless he knocked it off. A lot of kids have to deal with this, its not rare. I never read that he could not perform, he did have 7 children.

He realized he had a much better mind than average and a very fertile imagination. His Mother did have him read many of the great classic books of his day and he formed his opinions of who the best authors were. He must have liked Lewis Carroll for obvious reasons and he mentions Edgar Allen Poe and others as his favorites in the Ron series in "Ron the Author." Becomming a Boy Scout just after turning 13 showed abiltiy. He believed he had a Guardain Angel which enhanced his self image and help drive him to gain control over others. I don't know about developing severe problems with his wife. He had Nibs in 1934 and Katy in 1936 and seemed to not have much interest in them and just took off for New York to be a writer and while there he indulged himself by having many affairs. He certainly refused to pigeonhole himself into Middle Class Values. Basically, he seemed to be of low moral repute as judged by conventenional society.

He writes a book on the mind, intending it as fiction, and never expecting it to become a blockbuster. It becomes a blockbuster. He sees the opportunity to make it big. But whenever he collaborates with people, his ego doesn´t allow him to keep and build long lasting relationships. His confidence is non extant. With the years, he becomes more and more paranoid about men, and starts to embed his paranoia about men, into his technology. He runs from one organization to the other, till he finds out, that the only way to make it is via an authoritative control system.

I believe you do not quite have this right, I do not think that he wrote the book as fiction. I believe that prior to college he decided to investigate the subject of man, his mind and how he was put together. He did experiments at George Washington U. using a device called the Koenig photometer, he studied the similar effects of poetry despite what language it was written in and he developed calculations which showed that the human brain only had the capacity to store about 3 monhs worth of data.

He earnestly believed all the Professors in the phychology department had this theory down cold and innocently went over there to verify his results and see how he was doing and while there he found out they didn't know the first thing about the human mind and spirit and what is more they did not want to know. He immediately left college and set out on his own with his writing career.

I believe Commander Snake Thompson did exist and taught him the Fundamentals of Freudian Analysis. I believe there was a dental operation in 1938 where he was out cold and thought he was dying and imagined he had been allowed to see all the secretes of the Universe before he was revived. I believe after WWII he nosed around Bethesda Naval Hospital and applied Freudian analysis modified by his own theories on wounded serviceman and formulated the basics of Dianetics. I believe he had a knack for applying analysis to the Naval men and got good results and ran some more cases from a small office he rented in Hollywood, CA in 1946-47. Word of a manuscript about the mind which he had written got out and there was a demand for it. In the hopes of funding his further research, he offered his work to the medical and psychiatric professions and they rejected him. He never forgave the medicos and tried to destory the psychs to get even. Because of all the time he had to spend answering questions about his new mental therapy, he decided to write a hand book on the subject. He hoped for a small printing of perhaps 5,000 to 7,000 copies, which would make him some small amount of money but more importantly it might give him more creditability with the medical and psychiatric fields. The book's porpularity totally caught him by surprise to such an extant that he decided to make Dianetics his life's work.

He flees to England, and tends to build it up from zero. Great people arrive there and help him out, both on the administrative and technical side. Any discovery which is made, he apropriates as his own. He is followed by the British Intelligence, as he is questioning somehow the status quo. He also flees from himself (and his deeds, stealing ideas from others) one more time, in the need of more control, which cannot be accomplished in the actual system of organization.

Well before leaving for England, he had a long run in the United States of about 9 years During this time, he changed from Dianetics to Scientology and from a self betterment movement to a Church. From the very beginning very fine people started coming in. A few of them are still around on ESMB. John Galusha, now deceased was another one, the Kemps, Evans Farber, even Volney Mathieson of E Meter fame. Many brilliant and decent people have always been drawn to his movement. and you have to ask why? You do ask this down in your summation. There was something decent in some part of what he was doing that has to account for extremely intelligent and capable people always being willing to join his ranks. If this was not the case, he would have never gone anywhere.

He builds a completely hierarchical management system, and shortly later finds the "technical" undercut for it, an older incident which affects all mankind, and that only him, the great saviour was able to uncover. This justifies new pieces of control: lower conditions, the RPF, the commodore´s messengers...

His paranoia about man gets more accute. There is us and them. And within us, there is a lot of hidden them. Degraded beings come into existence, pts tech. It is not anymore about helping, it is about defending.

The above 2 paragraphs are sketchy but seem to cover the main points.

His son dies, the father accumulates more and more karma.

I don't think Quentin's death meant anything particular to him. To Mary Sue, it meant the world.[/COLOR

In the end, his only escape is to finish in hiding as Howard Hughes, in the wildest dramatization of his paranoia about man. He dies lonely, and separated from his wife, with an injection of vistaril.

He had to go into hiding to avoid Tax collectors and process servers. Hardly the way to live of someone who is total Cause over Life, subjectively and objectively.

Facts for this tale are:

1. He has many followers, and many become his slaves, his affirmations worked. OK

2. Many women admire him. His affirmations worked. OK

3. He controlled men mentally with his mental constructs and way to see life.

4. Many people are abused mentally and physically and once they are out of his mental construct, realize what the trap was all about.

Yes and No. The first instinct, which is what I went through, was that Hubbard was basically good and well motivated and most of the tech is absolutely priceless but that Miscavige and his Management team ruined the Church. It takes many of us a long time and a tremendous confront to finally break L. Ron Hubbard's hold over us. For me, it took a solid 4 years on the internet but then I had a tremendous amount of wins from Scientology. It seems that in general,, there are exceptions, the more gains one had from Scn the harder it is to break Hubbard's hold over one's mind and this concept certainly is logical and makes sense.

5. Many people believe it is the only way to save oneself and mankind.

Yes, nearly everyone still in believes that and most who are now out believed it at one time.

Questions of this tale are? Were his intentions purely egocentrical? Did he also have an intention to truly help? Did "his" technology have some workability? What was the part that attracted people, beyond his affirmation to enslave? How come his affirmations had such a power over others, or are these two totally unrelated topics?

Excellent questions. I have done my part to answer a lot of them. The rest I will leave to you or you can check out my thread here and plenty of other excellent threads as well and the answers for everyone of your questions can be found on ESMB.


Paul :typing:

I like #1 the best and would like to dissect it and make some comments. I like the originality of your work and find it very interesting. I think you have excellent imagination and reasoning faculties and will find what you are looking for on ESMB and will contribute much of your brilliance to us in return.
Last edited:


You mean 4th dimensional beings, in order to avoid the upcoming consciousness raise. As a last ditch intent, and that´s why he says, they are short of time, right?

Couldn´t agree less with you. From my experience he was not completely human, not completely with heart, this making him unhuman in some way. So much clouded into the mind structure-cage-prison, and so little of love-heart. Emotions are simply part of a scale, love is a mixture of admiration and sympathy. Sympathy is despective, basically all human traits are dehumanized in his "vision" of a super-human. All over his texts there is comptempt for being "human". Isnt that the UTTER EGO TRIP? A human being has a complete heart dimension, even if it´s very buried, but it is still there. The heart is one of the working paths to the spirit. Going completely mental is going AWAY from Spirit. I fully agree.

That´s why I said, he might have been somehow reptilian in form. You name it tulpa, I checked it in google, fine for me too. Read about the reptilians and their form of operation, and tell me what you think. The vast series of 4th dimensional phenomena and the forces of spirit, on the 5th dimension are real to me.



Yes. Working up to the consciousness shift the darkside goes flat-out bonkers zonkey doodle nutzo trying to prevent it and all, they believe, they have worked to establish during this Kali Yuga cycle of consciousness just goes poof.

Po' bassids. They never win.


Patron with Honors
Hi back Lakey

I like #1 the best and would like to dissect it and make some comments. I like the originality of your work and find it very interesting. I think you have excellent imagination and reasoning faculties and will find what you are looking for on ESMB and will contribute much of your brilliance to us in return.

Thanks Lakey,

for such a warm welcome. :yes:
One of my professional endeavors is writing, but not in English actually... Just so you see a bit were I´m coming from, without giving many specs, as I´m not officially out, nor plan to meet OSA soon...

I was last life-time inside, and worked at SH in an Admin post, nothing spectacular. The point being, i got very entangled with the subject, and after Ron left, it didn´t finish off very well for me. All this charge, and mixed feelings took me almost half of this life-time to unentangle. And the funny part is, I did most of the unentangling with simple Scientology processes!! I came to the conclusion that the guy was "unhuman" in some regards, ICE COLD. Only recently did I pass through the usual cognitive steps:

1. The Church is not run on-policy, the why is DM, who doesn´t follow LRH´s policy.

2. The Church was overtaken by the IRS as there is plenty of evidence out there.

3. Ergo, DM is only a caper.

4. One wants to basically organize a mutiny and REFORM the Church.

5. Further internet reading and investigation, plus my profound initial disaffection with the figure of LRH himself, brings me to read about LRH Jr. other additional data come up.

6. LRH´s contradictions are not anymore justfiable to myself.

7. I recognize the cancer as stemming from LRH, mostly 1967 or 1965 is the data, one takes as his turning point, or going to the dark side.

8. Affirmations and other data come to light, and start to align, not everything is clear. Talking with some exes, that were there from the very beginning.

9. They guy, LRH, is not clean slate at all.

10. The whole mental trap starts to unfold in one´s eyes, just in front of me.

11. Reading more and more about the days on the Apollo and others, adds more confusion to it. Was the guy good or bad? starts to arise.

12. The KSW 1 Implant is crystal clear. How some things are affirmed boldly, but no evidence whatsoever or proof. The hipnosis magician trickery unfolds.

13. I use to write for myself the conclusions I come to, a sort of self-therapy.

14. I come to the conclusion, that the subject though having many truths installed in it, has a deeply entrapping and evil core intent.

15. Still on the path out. My main goal now is not to give up on spiritual search, hence, my nickname. That would be LRH´s deep true desire, that one gives up on the search having the bad experience of having been mislead. That means one needs to work the subject back, backwards, and the biggest clue to it, is it´s dichotomic nature. Means, the truths keep them, and the untruths reverse them. This as rule of thumb, will work out best, most of the times. I jumped on the Power of Now, true words of wisdom. I did an Idenics session, very workable, I´m still looking. I´M FREE TO LOOK AND TO JUDGE BY MYSELF. IT FEELS SO GREATTTTTTTTTT :dance3: Thanks to this, I´m having a completely different kind of spiritual realizations now, and seeing realities, I didn´t even know existed, as I was so caged to look right and left. But they WERE THERE!

What´s my point here? It is not the last 5 months, it has taken me to research almost full-time on the internet, it has taken me 2 life-times of being fully entrapped in a MENTAL CAGE (which now i consider one of the worst cages ever, as it is the most subtle and insidious of all cages, the one you put yourself in, and hand out the keys). I think we exes are somehow another breed of cat, having been able to learn from it, and then get out of it. Is like the datum on clashing onto MEST to learn, then deenturbulate onself and gaining the knowledge out of it.

I also believe, that almost every person will go a similar path on getting the blindfold away. Some will conclude it was all for the money, some will still want to preserve the tech, and some simply will not go as far, as to see and look at the core of it, but will stay midways, in a kind of hang-up at doubt. Full and complete taking away of the blindfold may take time, I agree.

In the end, it is all a cognitive dissonance, that needs to be put back into place. And no one can tell you how to go about it. It is a path on your own, same as getting in.
Now to your concrete blue statements:

I have read so much, cross-referenced, and re-read, that I could not give you any sources. But it´s pretty much all over internet.

I don't know about developing severe problems with his wife.

"I never had a second wife". in full denial of her, to Granada TV around 1967 or so, the last true interview he had, not the one in SH. Plus a big chunk of the affirmations is on his sexual problems after a sexual act he did with Parson´s with Sara, who was later to become his wife. There is even statements affirming he believed she was a Russian agent. Some other affirm, he wrote SOS purely with the intent to uncover her. There is a very interesting fictious short film showing how he introduced the first "Clear" in LA and was mocked by his wife. Very well staged and dramatized. I believe from her, he formed the whole SP theory and PTS tech, plus the tabulation of 1.1.

I believe you do not quite have this right, I do not think that he wrote the book as fiction.

Well, what I meant here was based on a statement of Sara Northrup affirming that LRH never believed it was gonna become such a bestseller, and that he wrote it somehow for "writer´s fun", and that most of the case stories, were not even based on fact, but PURE FICTION, as per Sara´s statement. There is newspaper articles from the 50s that document her view on LRH´s intent and truth or not re Dianetics. He had done some therapy, but most of the case histories, and the abortion stuff are pure fictious, by Sara´s (his 2nd wife, he "never had") statement.

I believe that prior to college he decided to investigate the subject of man, his mind and how he was put together. He did experiments at George Washington U. using a device called the Koenig photometer, he studied the similar effects of poetry despite what language it was written in and he developed calculations which showed that the human brain only had the capacity to store about 3 monhs worth of data.

He earnestly believed all the Professors in the phychology department had this theory down cold and innocently went over there to verify his results and see how he was doing and while there he found out they didn't know the first thing about the human mind and spirit and what is more they did not want to know. He immediately left college and set out on his own with his writing career.

I´m sorry to disagree here Larkey. Look, the way I see it, is if there is plentiful evidence of compulsive lying, regarding his engineering "career", his nuclear physics career, his naval record and so on, and so on, then one can easily extrapolate, that those PR Church pieces of information may be false also, with a 80% probability of accuracy. What do I mean by that? That if he lied in his naval record, regarding his second wife, regarding his trips to Asia, and so many other topis, we can take an 80% chance of being right, that he lied regarding the Koening device, and the psychologist faculty fairy tale. I agree with you, that because he was not well received by the medical and psychological profession, and being such a deep paranoic narcissit, he couldn´t have it, and build his hate around this professions from that. That doesn´t change the fact, that psychopharma are destructive.

I try to take the PR data I was fed inside, and make google searches about them, and contrast those data with others, and go either by judgement or by intuition. One cannot half full truth re this subject, but a fair take at it.

There was something decent in some part of what he was doing that has to account for extremely intelligent and capable people always being willing to join his ranks. If this was not the case, he would have never gone anywhere.

DEFINITELY. And I fully agree with that, BUT ain´t it the dark frightening side of it, how he has atracted the best of mankind, or let´s say many great able people not to "make them more able", but to make them into "slaves". I re-read and re-read the "Affirmations" time after time, and tried to make them fit, with LRH Jr. allegations that his father was into occultism. I´m not saying here that it is true, what his son says, but much of it rings quite true.

Isn´t it dark, to have an outer onion of TRUTH, plain spiritual truth (lots of truism), COVERING a deep INNER ONION, of DARKNESS (we are the only way out, come on, the OT levels in my view are not true OT levels and don´t deliver), I mean LOTS of darkness? Dichotomic thinking is classical of freemasonry, illuminati, reptilians, the dark forces, the occult, satanism. Do a deep search of it, in Google. Hegelian philosophy, the basis for Marxism, and Nazism, (the 2 philosophies that have cost most harm to humanity) is the explanation of the use of dichotomies. Dichotomies BLOCK THE MIND. And Hubbard knew it. His passion for magick, the occult, dichotomic playing is shown in bits and pieces of his lectures, mainly in the PDC. The only difference between Hubbard and Crowley, that Crowley was overt, and not very popular, as mainstream majority of people wouldn´t buy into occultism, Hubbard was COVERT about it. LRH Jr, said, "Scientology is black magic spread over a long period of time." Something to deeply investigate and think about, before discarding this statement. Not because it seems so extreme, doesn´t mean it isn´t true. Remember LRH´s statement that one way to cover TRUTH is make it completely unbelievable. Another occult and magician way of thinking. Much of the tech, can be understood reversedly, as Black Dianetics, and not necessarily just from a Miscavian point of view...

The insidiousness of LRH and Scientology is this Dichotomic construct, that blocks one´s mind fully. Scientology cannot be understood from the MIND, but from the HEART!! Read the Power of Now, and you will se my point.

Yes and No. The first instinct, which is what I went through, was that Hubbard was basically good and well motivated and most of the tech is absolutely priceless but that Miscavige and his Management team ruined the Church. It takes many of us a long time and a tremendous confront to finally break L. Ron Hubbard's hold over us. For me, it took a solid 4 years on the internet but then I had a tremendous amount of wins from Scientology. It seems that in general,, there are exceptions, the more gains one had from Scn the harder it is to break Hubbard's hold over one's mind and this concept certainly is logical and makes sense.

I fully agree on that. It is VERY HARD to fully get unchained mentally from it. It took me 40 years of this lifetime and another 20 of last one, to finally "start" seeing it as it is. BUT, I won a lot on the process. By contrast, I know now what is not a spiritual path and what IS.

My whole intent with the fairy tale post, was to see how people react to it. I constructed somehow three parallel possibilities, and the fourth one was put by another poster. All ring true. Now the points is that some contradict the other. This CONTRADICTING NATURE is the core construct of Scientology, AND of LRH´s personality. That´s why some say, "he was not human", "he seemed human", yes, in appearance, but by his actions, to his son Quentin, to his wife, such a coldness is not NATURAL to a human being. Not even Hitler would treat his close associates, Eva Braun, or his dog with such coldness.

I will post soon another fairy tale, fairy tale number 5, in which Hubbard is a construct from the dark forces and came here with a clear agenda, which he somehow hasn´t fullfilled. Let´s see guys how you like that one. I bet Mystic will love that one, hahaha.

Well, I extended myself very much, but writing this is therapeutic to me. Aren´t we all here somehow to be therapized for free by this forum? :bigcry::omg:

Let´s not make it so serious though! ETERNITY IS OURS. No one can take this from us. We might have lost 1, 1/2 or 2 lifetimes, but who cares, eternity and a billion years are much, much longer!! :yes:

The experience of getting in, and then out has made us so much stronger and WISER. Hasn´t it?:eyeroll:


First, I think you're reading more negativity into Crowley than is warranted.

Crowley's work is richer than I care to commit to fully understanding, but I do know two people who knew him and have done extensive background reading in both Crowley and his influences. He didn't think much of LRH, and it seems that his disdain was perhaps in good taste.

Unlike LRH, Crowley did practice what he preached. He was a complicated person, and he didn't balk at doing research or making things esoteric. In contrast, some of LRH's ideas, like that of simplicity (hah), seem a backlash against Crowley's deliberate obfuscation tendencies.

I very much enjoyed everything I read by Crowley. He was a very intelligent, irreverant and interesting fellow. Sure, anyone who is a Christian won't like him, because coming from a very religous family, he reacted against it (often appropriately, sarcastically, pointing out the rampant hypocrisy, and with intense humor). I think he very much liked to push the buttons of Christians.

I was literally going through fits of laughter reading his autobiography. He may have had a bit of the control-freak thing going on, but NOTHING like Hubbard. Crowley had a VERY complicated and attention-to-detail type mind, which worked well with his intuitive nature.


Yes. Working up to the consciousness shift the darkside goes flat-out bonkers zonkey doodle nutzo trying to prevent it and all, they believe, they have worked to establish during this Kali Yuga cycle of consciousness just goes poof.

Po' bassids. They never win.

What unfolds during any cycle is going to unfold and there is not a thing anyone can do about it.

My advice. Learn to practice non-resistance, let go of just about everything on a mental/emotional level, open up your Heart Centre (which doesn't involve an "emotion" but a creative, intentional energy of LOVE), and practice loving all of creation, in every form. I don't think a person will have any problem with any "shift" if he or she does that.

To me, who cares what scenario or description for Hubbard was "right". I think he is/was largely insignificant within the larger picture.


Scientology is a totalist cult by its founder's design

You as always are doing PR here.

I stated my personal opinion.

You said:-

"Most of us, however, are not falling for it."

" We" should believe you?

Please explain.

Sorry, I don't do PR. And I don't do schmoozing or How-to-win-friends-and-influence-people-izing, which should be fairly apparent.

Any unsuspecting person can walk into a Scientology Org and very possibly be "love-bombed" and validated, and told how L. Ron Hubbard wanted us all to think for ourselves.

It might - there, under the right conditions - "work."

My suggestion to you is that such a thing doesn't "work" as well in other places.

Apparently, you think it does. We disagree.


Your not from a German speaking part of Europe!

Thanks Lakey,

for such a warm welcome. :yes:
One of my professional endeavors is writing, but not in English actually... Just so you see a bit were I´m coming from, without giving many specs, as I´m not officially out, nor plan to meet OSA soon...

I was last life-time inside, and worked at SH in an Admin post, nothing spectacular. The point being, i got very entangled with the subject, and after Ron left, it didn´t finish off very well for me. All this charge, and mixed feelings took me almost half of this life-time to unentangle. And the funny part is, I did most of the unentangling with simple Scientology processes!! I came to the conclusion that the guy was "unhuman" in some regards, ICE COLD. Only recently did I pass through the usual cognitive steps:

1. The Church is not run on-policy, the why is DM, who doesn´t follow LRH´s policy.

2. The Church was overtaken by the IRS as there is plenty of evidence out there.

3. Ergo, DM is only a caper.

4. One wants to basically organize a mutiny and REFORM the Church.

5. Further internet reading and investigation, plus my profound initial disaffection with the figure of LRH himself, brings me to read about LRH Jr. other additional data come up.

6. LRH´s contradictions are not anymore justfiable to myself.

7. I recognize the cancer as stemming from LRH, mostly 1967 or 1965 is the data, one takes as his turning point, or going to the dark side.

8. Affirmations and other data come to light, and start to align, not everything is clear. Talking with some exes, that were there from the very beginning.

9. They guy, LRH, is not clean slate at all.

10. The whole mental trap starts to unfold in one´s eyes, just in front of me.

11. Reading more and more about the days on the Apollo and others, adds more confusion to it. Was the guy good or bad? starts to arise.

12. The KSW 1 Implant is crystal clear. How some things are affirmed boldly, but no evidence whatsoever or proof. The hipnosis magician trickery unfolds.

13. I use to write for myself the conclusions I come to, a sort of self-therapy.

14. I come to the conclusion, that the subject though having many truths installed in it, has a deeply entrapping and evil core intent.

15. Still on the path out. My main goal now is not to give up on spiritual search, hence, my nickname. That would be LRH´s deep true desire, that one gives up on the search having the bad experience of having been mislead. That means one needs to work the subject back, backwards, and the biggest clue to it, is it´s dichotomic nature. Means, the truths keep them, and the untruths reverse them. This as rule of thumb, will work out best, most of the times. I jumped on the Power of Now, true words of wisdom. I did an Idenics session, very workable, I´m still looking. I´M FREE TO LOOK AND TO JUDGE BY MYSELF. IT FEELS SO GREATTTTTTTTTT :dance3: Thanks to this, I´m having a completely different kind of spiritual realizations now, and seeing realities, I didn´t even know existed, as I was so caged to look right and left. But they WERE THERE!

What´s my point here? It is not the last 5 months, it has taken me to research almost full-time on the internet, it has taken me 2 life-times of being fully entrapped in a MENTAL CAGE (which now i consider one of the worst cages ever, as it is the most subtle and insidious of all cages, the one you put yourself in, and hand out the keys). I think we exes are somehow another breed of cat, having been able to learn from it, and then get out of it. Is like the datum on clashing onto MEST to learn, then deenturbulate onself and gaining the knowledge out of it.

I also believe, that almost every person will go a similar path on getting the blindfold away. Some will conclude it was all for the money, some will still want to preserve the tech, and some simply will not go as far, as to see and look at the core of it, but will stay midways, in a kind of hang-up at doubt. Full and complete taking away of the blindfold may take time, I agree.

In the end, it is all a cognitive dissonance, that needs to be put back into place. And no one can tell you how to go about it. It is a path on your own, same as getting in.
Now to your concrete blue statements:

I have read so much, cross-referenced, and re-read, that I could not give you any sources. But it´s pretty much all over internet.

I don't know about developing severe problems with his wife.

"I never had a second wife". in full denial of her, to Granada TV around 1967 or so, the last true interview he had, not the one in SH. Plus a big chunk of the affirmations is on his sexual problems after a sexual act he did with Parson´s with Sara, who was later to become his wife. There is even statements affirming he believed she was a Russian agent. Some other affirm, he wrote SOS purely with the intent to uncover her. There is a very interesting fictious short film showing how he introduced the first "Clear" in LA and was mocked by his wife. Very well staged and dramatized. I believe from her, he formed the whole SP theory and PTS tech, plus the tabulation of 1.1.

I believe you do not quite have this right, I do not think that he wrote the book as fiction.

Well, what I meant here was based on a statement of Sara Northrup affirming that LRH never believed it was gonna become such a bestseller, and that he wrote it somehow for "writer´s fun", and that most of the case stories, were not even based on fact, but PURE FICTION, as per Sara´s statement. There is newspaper articles from the 50s that document her view on LRH´s intent and truth or not re Dianetics. He had done some therapy, but most of the case histories, and the abortion stuff are pure fictious, by Sara´s (his 2nd wife, he "never had") statement.

I believe that prior to college he decided to investigate the subject of man, his mind and how he was put together. He did experiments at George Washington U. using a device called the Koenig photometer, he studied the similar effects of poetry despite what language it was written in and he developed calculations which showed that the human brain only had the capacity to store about 3 monhs worth of data.

He earnestly believed all the Professors in the phychology department had this theory down cold and innocently went over there to verify his results and see how he was doing and while there he found out they didn't know the first thing about the human mind and spirit and what is more they did not want to know. He immediately left college and set out on his own with his writing career.

I´m sorry to disagree here Larkey. Look, the way I see it, is if there is plentiful evidence of compulsive lying, regarding his engineering "career", his nuclear physics career, his naval record and so on, and so on, then one can easily extrapolate, that those PR Church pieces of information may be false also, with a 80% probability of accuracy. What do I mean by that? That if he lied in his naval record, regarding his second wife, regarding his trips to Asia, and so many other topis, we can take an 80% chance of being right, that he lied regarding the Koening device, and the psychologist faculty fairy tale. I agree with you, that because he was not well received by the medical and psychological profession, and being such a deep paranoic narcissit, he couldn´t have it, and build his hate around this professions from that. That doesn´t change the fact, that psychopharma are destructive.

I try to take the PR data I was fed inside, and make google searches about them, and contrast those data with others, and go either by judgement or by intuition. One cannot half full truth re this subject, but a fair take at it.

There was something decent in some part of what he was doing that has to account for extremely intelligent and capable people always being willing to join his ranks. If this was not the case, he would have never gone anywhere.

DEFINITELY. And I fully agree with that, BUT ain´t it the dark frightening side of it, how he has atracted the best of mankind, or let´s say many great able people not to "make them more able", but to make them into "slaves". I re-read and re-read the "Affirmations" time after time, and tried to make them fit, with LRH Jr. allegations that his father was into occultism. I´m not saying here that it is true, what his son says, but much of it rings quite true.

Isn´t it dark, to have an outer onion of TRUTH, plain spiritual truth (lots of truism), COVERING a deep INNER ONION, of DARKNESS (we are the only way out, come on, the OT levels in my view are not true OT levels and don´t deliver), I mean LOTS of darkness? Dichotomic thinking is classical of freemasonry, illuminati, reptilians, the dark forces, the occult, satanism. Do a deep search of it, in Google. Hegelian philosophy, the basis for Marxism, and Nazism, (the 2 philosophies that have cost most harm to humanity) is the explanation of the use of dichotomies. Dichotomies BLOCK THE MIND. And Hubbard knew it. His passion for magick, the occult, dichotomic playing is shown in bits and pieces of his lectures, mainly in the PDC. The only difference between Hubbard and Crowley, that Crowley was overt, and not very popular, as mainstream majority of people wouldn´t buy into occultism, Hubbard was COVERT about it. LRH Jr, said, "Scientology is black magic spread over a long period of time." Something to deeply investigate and think about, before discarding this statement. Not because it seems so extreme, doesn´t mean it isn´t true. Remember LRH´s statement that one way to cover TRUTH is make it completely unbelievable. Another occult and magician way of thinking. Much of the tech, can be understood reversedly, as Black Dianetics, and not necessarily just from a Miscavian point of view...

The insidiousness of LRH and Scientology is this Dichotomic construct, that blocks one´s mind fully. Scientology cannot be understood from the MIND, but from the HEART!! Read the Power of Now, and you will se my point.

Yes and No. The first instinct, which is what I went through, was that Hubbard was basically good and well motivated and most of the tech is absolutely priceless but that Miscavige and his Management team ruined the Church. It takes many of us a long time and a tremendous confront to finally break L. Ron Hubbard's hold over us. For me, it took a solid 4 years on the internet but then I had a tremendous amount of wins from Scientology. It seems that in general,, there are exceptions, the more gains one had from Scn the harder it is to break Hubbard's hold over one's mind and this concept certainly is logical and makes sense.

I fully agree on that. It is VERY HARD to fully get unchained mentally from it. It took me 40 years of this lifetime and another 20 of last one, to finally "start" seeing it as it is. BUT, I won a lot on the process. By contrast, I know now what is not a spiritual path and what IS.

My whole intent with the fairy tale post, was to see how people react to it. I constructed somehow three parallel possibilities, and the fourth one was put by another poster. All ring true. Now the points is that some contradict the other. This CONTRADICTING NATURE is the core construct of Scientology, AND of LRH´s personality. That´s why some say, "he was not human", "he seemed human", yes, in appearance, but by his actions, to his son Quentin, to his wife, such a coldness is not NATURAL to a human being. Not even Hitler would treat his close associates, Eva Braun, or his dog with such coldness.

I will post soon another fairy tale, fairy tale number 5, in which Hubbard is a construct from the dark forces and came here with a clear agenda, which he somehow hasn´t fullfilled. Let´s see guys how you like that one. I bet Mystic will love that one, hahaha.

Well, I extended myself very much, but writing this is therapeutic to me. Aren´t we all here somehow to be therapized for free by this forum? :bigcry::omg:

Let´s not make it so serious though! ETERNITY IS OURS. No one can take this from us. We might have lost 1, 1/2 or 2 lifetimes, but who cares, eternity and a billion years are much, much longer!! :yes:

The experience of getting in, and then out has made us so much stronger and WISER. Hasn´t it?:eyeroll:

I am in a hurry this morning, have to leave and will get back to you later. The one thing I have been able to ascertain is that you are not from a German speaking part of Europe. That leaves, France, Italy, Scandanavia, Russia or an Eastern block country. You certainly don't write as a Frenchman or Italian so it comes down to Russia or the Eastern Block such as Hungarian or Scandanavian. Since all Scandanavians learn English in School and your English is so correct, I am figuring that you are either Swedish or Danish Am I on the right trail?

One quick comment on lying about his second marriage. He married Sarah while still married to Polly. He was a bigamist and there was some doubt as to whether his marriage to Sarah was legally a marriage. Rather than reearching this, LRH just used this as a means of denying he ever had a second wife. You know the marriage did not count because it was bigamy which was not recognized as legal in any of the U.S. states. LRH could say he never had a second wife without flinching,
while believing technically that he was telling the truth.

Added Evening of Jan 1, 2010, California Time. The notion that a tendency to tell lies about certain things can be extrapolated with 80% accuracty to consider that everything else he did was based on lies is not tenable. Where do you get the 80% figure? Most of the lies concerned overtstating his achievements and his performance in his various endeavors throught his life. The motivation was to aggrandize himself for posterity and part of that required that he have the proper credentials so that the groups from which he sought approval would, indeed, approve of him. Thus his personal deeds were embellished so as to imporve his Public Relations Image so that he could be on an equal footing credential wise with those whom he sought out as his peers, the Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Medical Doctors and nuclear scientists. At the time he embellished his achievements, he had no way of knowing that all his lies would would be exposed and become public record. He could falsify his performance in WWII or at George Washington U .or the Boy Scouts. He never dreamed that any of these lies could ever be discovered by his public. The internet was 50 years away.

However, when he gave public lectures and taped them, there was concrete proof of what he was saying and he took more pains to make sure that the taped lecture information was true. If he lied on tape, it could quickly and easily come back to haunt him while if he lied about his Navy or similar achievements, he figured no one would ever find out.

As far as his University career, he was not allowed to choose his own career path, his Father chose it for him. His real love of study centered more in the humanities and in solving the riddles of the mind and life so as to pound his name into history. His Father demanded he pursue a course in Civil Engineering. This was too dry and boring for his adventurous storeyteller's nature. Per his own admissions on his taped lectures, he did not attend his math and engineering classes except perhaps for the class on Nuclear Phenomena. As the record shows, he got F's in those classes. He did attend the courses he like better such as English and the humanities and he did a little better in those classes maybe C's and D's with an occasional B.

While not attending his assigned classes and taking F's, I contend that he did study the human mind and memory using poetry, the Koenig photometer and formulating equations for how much memory the brain could store. As he says on his tapes, he was used to a world where men knew what they were talking about. If a bridge through a mountain were built, coming from 2 sides, the calculations had to be right or the bridge would not connect. The idea of University Professors not knowing what they were talking about was alien to him. Of course, the professors in Psychology and Psychiatry knew their subjects as well as the professors in the Engineering Dept. How could it be different. As so many of us have seen, including myself, when Hubbard found that those in Psychology and Psychiatry did not really have a full understanding of the human psyche and mind to the degree that physicists and engineers understood their subjects, he quickly dropped out of University, never to return, and went off on his own to write so as to finance his own research project of discovering the truths of the human mind. If this were not the case, he would have stayed in University until graduation. He did not do that because to his way of thinking, the University did not know enough to teach him what he really wanted to know.

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The 1951 "retraction," typed by L. Ron Hubbard, which was handed to Sara and which she was told to sign, so as to make "peace," i.e. for her to agree to be silent, began with the words, "I, Sara Northrup Hubbard."

This is a crude scan of the rush to print 1st edition of 'Messiah or Madman?' (the only scan available), but it's readable. Press 'Control' and 'F' and do a find on kidnapping to locate the chapter The "Kidnapping," to read pertinent documents:


One of Hubbard's many letters to the FBI accusing people of being Communists. Sara Northrup Hubbard is listed by Hubbard:


1972 letter from Sara to Paulette Cooper:


'Secret Lives' program:



New Member
The Visitor From Sapta Rishi

In the book, The Visitor From Sapta Rishi, Hubbard's real name is Zotar and he comes from a Confederation of Planets where he is a wanted criminal for trapping Beings to Earth, altering minds, murder and treason, etc.

To 'hide' from the Grand Council he escaped to his created 'prison colony -- Earth'. To gain back the good graces and to get back into the Confederation, he starts Dianetics and Scientolgy -- as an amends project to regain his good stature with the Confederation. He submits his work circa 1960, but in 1965 it is rejected - he then leaves the LRH body, putting a computer generated intelligence in charge -- see Artificial Intelligence.

He is now in hiding, as the Confederation and the Universal Confederation want him as a criminal. There is apparently not a single Being that would not acknowledge his genius, but he is absolutely -- insane.

Most of us were drawn to Scientology because we heard truths we had not heard before, and wanted more -- it resonated. After 1965 especially, you received a blended/altered product that led in circles.

Yes, a lot of the tech is wonderful, but it was originally created by 1000s of years of evolution within the Confederation, as a way of life. Zotar (Hubbard) took that workable knowledge, traced it to similar products on Earth to hide his alien ancestory. This ended up hurting him.

His intent was to use the truth to fix the damage done by what he called in Scientolgy - the implants. He is the one that installed those altered minds (implants) and bodies and Beings in the first place. He was simply trying to put broken minds and Beings back together again as an amends project. Reminds me of Humpty-Dumpty.

When his amends project was not accepted, the tech(?) went through amazing alterations as he (Zotar/Hubbard) was now pissed. In reading the posts I saw two things that ring true from my viewpoints. They are:

Paul wrote:
All of this being put at the center, this ego trip of LRH is what created the monster. So much significance into mind, in the end gets you trapped.

Veda said:

In August 1938, L. Ron Hubbard wrote to his first wife, telling her about the manuscript 'Excalibur', which he had just written:

"I have high hopes of smashing my name into history so violently that it will take a legendary form even if all the books are destroyed. That goal is the real goal as far as I am concerned…”

His ego, aka Factor One was, and probably still is, in charge.

Zachary Carmichael, author
The Visitor From Sapta Rishi
Avaialble on Amazon
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