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Marty: Open Letter to Residents of Ingleside on the Bay Texas


Patron with Honors
Marty: Open Letter to Residents of Ingleside on the Bay Texas


Open Letter to Residents of Ingleside on the Bay Texas

Posted on June 26, 2011 by martyrathbun09| Leave a comment

My name is Mark “Marty” Rathbun. I live at 115 Bayshore Court . My wife Monique and I have been residents of Ingleside on the Bay (IOB) since November 1, 2006. For three years we rented the light blue house at 902 S Sandpiper from Janie and Pat Hunt. We leased a home on the canal on Woodhaven for a year before moving to our present location last November.

I worked for the Coastal Bend Herald (The Conscience of the Coastal Bend) and We the People monthly newspaper in Corpus Christi and did a number of other writing assignments from essay writing to contribution to an historical book. Until recently Monique worked as a supervisor at Superior Health Care in Corpus Christi.

I worked for the church of Scientology from my twenty-first birthday in January 1978 until Dec 12, 2004. Wikipedia has a relatively accurate and succinct account of my career in the church:


Between 1982 and the time I left the organization I answered to no one but the head of Scientology, David Miscavige. Wikipedia also includes a fairly accurate summation of Miscavige’s career:


I moved to IOB primarily to write, fish, boat, and spend some years enjoying some of the fundamental virtues that drive humanity but that I found so lacking during most of my adult life in the church of Scientology.

In 2008 I learned that several former high level Scientology officials had followed my lead and left the church of Scientology. Some of those old friends found me through the internet and came to visit. The more stories I heard about how the organization had continued to deteriorate under Miscavige’s command after my departure, the more I grappled with responsibility for doing something effective for those who continued to suffer in part for my having helped empower what had become a ruthless madman.

I was also urged by many friends to make myself available to help former members “decompress” and make sense of their time within the cult. That necessarily involved application of some of the principles of the philosophy of Scientology. I found many former members of the cult felt most robbed – and the chief reason they stayed in an abusvie, cult-like environment – was their fear of the cruel, well funded attacks Corporate Scientology had become infamous for leveling against those with the temerity to say, as the first Protestants did in 16th Century Europe, “I do not need the imprimatur of a corrupt priest to read, understand and live the words written by the Founder of my chosen faith.”

I put up a website in Feb 2009, which expanded into a blog in July that year, that announced what I intended to do, Moving on up a Little Higher.

Within days Miscavige’s cult took extraordinary measures to intercept three of the first five people who expressed interest in seeing me. Also within days I received requests for interviews from news media around the world. I chose the St Petersburg Times (the largest newspaper in Florida) because I knew its writers and editors, knew they had integrity, they had a lot of experience investigating Scientology for decades and would not back down like other media. The result was a several part series entitled the Truth Rundown. The Times put over three hours of taped interviews with me on their website with the series, where I discuss in detail my entire history with Corporate Scientology from the beginning to the day I left. While I subsequently did a five part series on CNNs’ Anderson Cooper 360, a two-part ABC Nightline special, and an hour-long documentary aired on British Broadcasting Corporation, the Times videos are the most comprehensive, least edited account of my history directly from me. That video interview – organized by topics – can be found at:


A consequence of my having spoken out as loudly and thoroughly as I did was the creation of an exodus of sorts from the Scientology cult. Houghton-Mifflin publishing company commissioned a two-year objective study into Scientology. The author of the resultant book (which will be officially released next month) Janet Reitman was interviewed this week by the Editor in Chief of the New York Village Voice, Tony Ortega. She concluded her interview with the following which probably serves as the best explanation why the cult of Scientology’s head David Miscavige has directed unlimited funds be utilized to destroy me utterly:


Which brings us to the reason for this post now. Many residents of IOB have been surprised, shocked, or simply intrigued at the antics of the cult and its hired private investigators over the past several weeks. Prior to about mid April their activities against me were limited to:

  1. Hacking my email.
  2. Illegally buying my phone records.
  3. Buying my trash from BFI and searching it for
    any clue they could use against me.
  4. Setting up 24/7/365 surveillance of my every
    move; they have had agents embedded in Ingleside and IOB for over a year.
  5. Hacking airline computers to get my flight plans
    so that every time I left town in the past two years, i) my wife was confronted by two unidentified cult members each time, and ii) I was picked up by teams of private investigators at each destination airport.
  6. The hacking of my blog and shutting it down.
  7. Putting up 28 websites in attempts to slander and discredit me – including such allegations that my wife is in fact a man and
    that I murdered my own brother thirty years ago. The cult is well heeled and will invent and publish the most vicious defamation, inviting libel suits so that they can ruin the plaintiff utterly by
    abuse of court processes.
  8. Sending private investigators to every former member who has met with me, multiple times, offering cash incentives to bad mouth me in any way.
  9. Sending private investigators to harass each of Monique’s associates, friends, and even her former husband.
  10. Sending teams of dummies to put cameras and microphones in my face in restaurants, sidewalks, airports, and other public places, obstructing my path, then bringing bogus assault charges against me for gently guiding them out of my way when they obstruct me, my wife or friends. To give you an idea how insane it gets, they hired a former FBI agent lawyer in Corpus to heavily lobby to have me prosecuted for grasping a microphone they stuck in my face, over my own property line after I had to herd four of them off my doorstep. Four unidentified intruders who traveled from California for the exclusive purpose of harassing me on my doorstep. The county attorney who evaluated the case said she had seen nothing more frivolous in her career (and could not believe anyone in their right minds would spend money to have an attorney try to lobby for such a case). They have done this to me nine times that I am aware of in three states. All nine cases have been heavily lobbied by their expensive lawyers and cop private investigators. All nine have been laughed out of existence by the officials receiving them. Zero for nine.
Here is the unedited video tape of the 17 April incident at my own home referred to above:


Which brings us to the present. Rather than take a hint that their acts are
making them abhorrent in the public eye, Miscavige has decided to damn the
torpedoes and sink me by any means necessary. In the past two weeks, his blue shirts have made a practice of harassing us daily by overtly training cameras on our home from the street, then travelling to the entrance to Bahia Marina to do the same to the other side of our home. They harass us at Ingleside restaurants. They have added to their couple of covert surveillance properties by leasing real estate in IOB to overtly harass me and my wife.

All harassment efforts are being coordinated by the cult’s chief private investigator, one David Lubow dba Falcon investigations from Los Angeles.

David Lubow - Chief Cult Private Eye

First, they attempted to rent the apartment directly across the canal from our bedroom at Bahia Marina. This photo of their target apartment is taken from our bedroom window:

Luckily, the good people at Bahia caught the investigator lying about his intent and identity and refused on the basis that they would not rent to people attempting to spy on neighbors:

Then, they attempted to purchase several prime lots directly across the canal from our home. Here is the view of the property from our deck:

Again, another true American refused to sell out to the cult.

Finally, under false pretenses, a former Corpus Christi PD narcotics agent Ralph S Gomez, making big cult dollars working for Lubow, lied to a local real estate agent in order to rent these premises on Bayshore Circle, less than a quarter of a mile from our home:

This is their staging area for two to three daily visits to the front of our home for filming and to the rear of our home for more filming of our home. Several other drive bys are done of our home by vehicles during each day. Gomez has been seen driving three to five cult members around IOB wearing baby blue t-shirts to perform these “religious” rituals. The T-shirt have photographs of my head on them with the international strike out symbol across it in red:

While the Bayshore Circle Cult headquarters is just less than a quarter mile from our home by road, it is less than a couple hundred yards as the camera records. Here is Cult HQ – the wood sided home with orange trim – taken from the front deck of our home:

Gomez also uses the Bayshore Circle headquarters to drive cult members to Ingleside to interrupt and harass us in town.

Gomez is working for the cult’s most notorious private detective, David Lubow from Falcon Investigations in Los Angeles. Lubow has worked for the cult for more than twenty-years and will stop at nothing, violate any law he can get away with violating, because he is a card-carrying member of the cult. Gomez has consistenly refused to indentify himself while stalking my wife and I. He has lied to a number of people in Ingleside and IOB. It has been established he is working for David Lubow.

Ralph S Gomez​

This past Thursday night Gomez was escorting his merry pranksters around IOB in a golf cart clad in their “bust Marty” t-shirts. Gomez spent three hours trying to prevent us from finding out where the golf cart would wind up. Finally, he dumped it on Starlight drive and had a cult driven van whisk five cult members away. Gomez trespassed through a closed chainlink gate and hid behind the home at 721 Starlight. With my headlights all over the place Gomez emerged.

I asked Gomez whether he had rented the place since he was deep into the property hiding and there was a for-rent sign in front. Gomez said “no”…..”but I have the owner’s permission to be here.” A later call and visit by me to the owner confirmed Gomez’s assertion to be an unadulterated lie. Gomez, caught in the hot-seat, finally broke down after weeks of following the cult script: “we are a media company, we are here to do a documentary, we just want to interview Marty, etc.” Gomez made a big mistake and let a little bit of truth eke out. Gomez told me that I just need to go “fix it” with Miscavige’s cult. Gomez told me that all of what they have been doing to me would go away if I simply caved in and settled with Miscavige’s cult. Gomez admitted to me that if he was the recipient of what they had dished out to me over the past several weeks he personally would long ago have “flipped out.” Gomez told me all the harassment would cease if I simply surrendered.

Unfortunately for Gomez, Miscavige and those misguided cult members doing his bidding, the evidence of their real intent, as admitted by Gomez in a moment of fear when he was separated from the pack of cult members, has been provided to the Federal Bureau of Investigation which has an ongoing Human Trafficking investigation with Miscavige as the main target, and several local law enforcement agencies.

The cult has two weapons and two weapons only: a) harassment to a degree unprecedented in a civilized society, and b) money to buy the victim of “a” when he is put into an amenable frame of mind. Just so everybody knows, as Miscavige just won’t seem to get it through his head, I will never fold to any pressure no matter how intense, and I am not for sale – at any price.

To the many IOB and Ingleside residents who have expressed and provided support, Monique and I cannot thank you enough. You have deeply touched our hearts and greatly increased our faith in humanity. If you have any questions or you would like more background on the matter feel free to stop by anytime or email me at [email protected]

NOTE for regular readers of Moving On Up a Little Higher:
I am posting this open letter to the members of my immediate community
here so interested people can readily get to the truth of the situation playing out in their community. I believe it will be of interest to most of the regular readers too. It recaps the history of how I got into all this and how it has wound up to where things are currently at. As we approach four million visits to this site, I recognize not everybody has been here from the outset or had the ability to read the more than 2000 pages of text that this blog now contains. It also of course provides further evidence of how the hard earned monies of many parishioners are being mis-used by Miscavige and his cult, in grotesque violation of IRS regulations concerning tax exempt “churches.”


Gold Meritorious Patron
Is this dude Marty's PR guy or what? I don't even read anymore, just hit and scroll so it's off the new post lists so I don't have to see it. Is there ANYTHING in the list rules that prohibits a copy-pasta zombie from doing this? It's old. Most of us just aren't buying.

Although, maybe it's the new indie foot-bullet. Google Rath and wind up on ESMB and start reading more posts... hell, better folks finding it here than over at cult version 2.0 where all you get is the crew of Rat-worship.

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Is this dude Marty's PR guy or what? I don't even read anymore, just hit and scroll so it's off the new post lists so I don't have to see it. Is there ANYTHING in the list rules that prohibits a copy-pasta zombie from doing this? It's old. Most of us just aren't buying.

Although, maybe it's the new indie foot-bullet. Google Rath and wind up on ESMB and start reading more posts... hell, better folks finding it here than over at cult version 2.0 where all you get is the crew of Rat-worship.

Don't be too harsh darlin, there are people who are interested in this stuff. Me included believe it or not, as it shows the lengths the cult go to and how over the top Rathbunny is. And it saves going to his blog. I've done heaps and heaps of copy-pasta myself, bringing info...just that, without comment, though I mostly do comment these days. :biggrin:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Don't be too harsh darlin, there are people who are interested in this stuff. Me included believe it or not, as it shows the lengths the cult go to and how over the top Rathbunny is. And it saves going to his blog. I've done heaps and heaps of copy-pasta myself, bringing info...just that, without comment, though I mostly do comment these days. :biggrin:

I'm OK with people posting stuff and giving SOME sort of anything with it. I've just seen this poster give NO comments on the board and ONLY post copies of Rathburn's crud. You are someone who actually posts here...this person only dumps copies of the blog. When someone I know is a poster gives a copy-pasta (with some exceptions, and I know who I should just not bother clicking), I know there is probably a good reason behind it. This doesn't seem to be the case here. JMHO.

jenni with an eye

Silver Meritorious Patron
Don't be too harsh darlin, there are people who are interested in this stuff. Me included believe it or not, as it shows the lengths the cult go to and how over the top Rathbunny is. And it saves going to his blog. I've done heaps and heaps of copy-pasta myself, bringing info...just that, without comment, though I mostly do comment these days. :biggrin:

:yes: Me too.


Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller
Is this dude Marty's PR guy or what? I don't even read anymore, just hit and scroll so it's off the new post lists so I don't have to see it. Is there ANYTHING in the list rules that prohibits a copy-pasta zombie from doing this? It's old. Most of us just aren't buying.

BOARD RULE 6. Link to long pieces of text where possible.
Instead of copying and pasting long pieces of text, snip the bit you want and link to the rest. Experience shows that the longer your post is the less likely it will be read anyway. Of course if your post (your own words) is quite long because you are telling your personal story, that is different. Personal stories will be always be read no matter how long they are because people are interested.

I actually don't mind a bit of copy pasta but only when the poster adds something of their own to it. Like, make a comment about how wonderful it is and why that is so, or point out some discrepancy in fact, or highlight the fact that it is new information, anything really. In this case, however, we just have ESMB acting as a mirror to Martyworld. Its more about dissemination than it is about providing new data or personal opinions.


Patron with Honors
BOARD RULE 6. Link to long pieces of text where possible.
Instead of copying and pasting long pieces of text, snip the bit you want and link to the rest. Experience shows that the longer your post is the less likely it will be read anyway. Of course if your post (your own words) is quite long because you are telling your personal story, that is different. Personal stories will be always be read no matter how long they are because people are interested.
I actually don't mind a bit of copy pasta but only when the poster adds something of their own to it. Like, make a comment about how wonderful it is and why that is so, or point out some discrepancy in fact, or highlight the fact that it is new information, anything really. In this case, however, we just have ESMB acting as a mirror to Martyworld. Its more about dissemination than it is about providing new data or personal opinions.
Point taken. I will stop posting here. Congratulations. Goodby.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Who said they didn't want you to post here? Relax. Take a seat. :welcome:

I guess I would be the bitch in question here. My problem was that back in May was the first time I saw this person post. No info whatsoever, nothing posted at all as to opinion or who they were--but something like 5 posts that were simply loooooooong copy-pastas of Marty blog posts on the "new posts list" at the same time when I logged on. IIRC (not going to go back right now), some others were also like 'Huh?' Post Marty's stuff when you feel compelled to. Especially if you have some comment or take on it, or make a comment and link to the thing. I understand folks wanting to be informed on what's up over there, and I'm not the board monitor, but when ESMB starts looking like a spam dumpground for Martyology, I will say something. Sorry if I offended anyone, but that's how I feel about it. I'm rediscovering this thing called a spine that I thought the cult had ripped out. I'm learning that some days, I'm not going to be exactly adored for my views. It's an adjustment. Not planning on morphing into uberbitch, but...meh.


Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller
I guess I would be the bitch in question here. My problem was that back in May was the first time I saw this person post. No info whatsoever, nothing posted at all as to opinion or who they were--but something like 5 posts that were simply loooooooong copy-pastas of Marty blog posts on the "new posts list" at the same time when I logged on. IIRC (not going to go back right now), some others were also like 'Huh?' Post Marty's stuff when you feel compelled to. Especially if you have some comment or take on it, or make a comment and link to the thing. I understand folks wanting to be informed on what's up over there, and I'm not the board monitor, but when ESMB starts looking like a spam dumpground for Martyology, I will say something. Sorry if I offended anyone, but that's how I feel about it. I'm rediscovering this thing called a spine that I thought the cult had ripped out. I'm learning that some days, I'm not going to be exactly adored for my views. It's an adjustment. Not planning on morphing into uberbitch, but...meh.

That great! Going against the flow is tricky enough at the best of times. For someone to have come out the other end of the cult where going against the flow has far greater consequences, its fantastic that ESMB provides an opportunity to test-out new freedoms.

I would suggest you do more of it and pay particular attention to the methods used by opponents to bring you back into line. Inevitably, Scientologists' arguments devolve down into either ad homs and/or victim tech. They can be ignored, or mocked as you wish. Those who speak to your intellect and those who provide DOX should be considered carefully. Every now and then they will give sufficient reason to change your mind. And, learning something new which results in a change of mind is one of the sweetest gifts one can derive from going against the flow. Even sweeter is when you can convince someone else that your view might be the more correct ; )


Squirrel Extraordinaire
I'm OK with people posting stuff and giving SOME sort of anything with it. I've just seen this poster give NO comments on the board and ONLY post copies of Rathburn's crud. You are someone who actually posts here...this person only dumps copies of the blog. When someone I know is a poster gives a copy-pasta (with some exceptions, and I know who I should just not bother clicking), I know there is probably a good reason behind it. This doesn't seem to be the case here. JMHO.

There was a sort of comment by the poster — the emphasis in bold type and red.

So Marty isn't as big of a fan of Hubbard's Standard Tech when it's being applied on him and his wife to ruin their lives as he was when he was the one using Hubbard's Standard Tech to ruin other people's lives.

Good thing Marty is going to save us from Hubbard and his Radical Scientology with Martytology.


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
So Marty isn't as big of a fan of Hubbard's Standard Tech when it's being applied on him and his wife to ruin their lives as he was when he was the one using Hubbard's Standard Tech to ruin other people's lives.

Good thing Marty is going to save us from Hubbard and his Radical Scientology with Martytology.


But, it's kinda cool to see Fair Game vs. Fair Game.

It's a streetfight (literally and figuratively) between two OTs who each have their own particular fighting advantages and disadvantages.

COB is a puncher with big muscles (a billion dollar war-chest and countless operatives) but is stupid, emotional and craving the satisfaction of a quick bloody knockout.

RATHBUN has mixed-martial arts skills like ju-jitsu & wrestling (better strategy, faster, elusive, able to exploit his adversary's weaknesses by taking the fight to the ground instead trying to box a superior puncher) but has to be be able to keep his composure during the early round's barrage of punches.

PROBABLE OUTCOME: If Rathbun can take this fight into the later rounds, COB gets tired, punches himself out and Rathbun capitalizes on a mistake (i.e. major footbullet) and wins by taking his exhausted opponent to the ground and choking him out.

But, it's kinda cool to see Fair Game vs. Fair Game.

It's a streetfight (literally and figuratively) between two OTs who each have their own particular fighting advantages and disadvantages.

COB is a puncher with big muscles (a billion dollar war-chest and countless operatives) but is stupid, emotional and craving the satisfaction of a quick bloody knockout.

RATHBUN has mixed-martial arts skills like ju-jitsu & wrestling (better strategy, faster, elusive, able to exploit his adversary's weaknesses by taking the fight to the ground instead trying to box a superior puncher) but has to be be able to keep his composure during the early round's barrage of punches.

PROBABLE OUTCOME: If Rathbun can take this fight into the later rounds, COB gets tired, punches himself out and Rathbun capitalizes on a mistake (i.e. major footbullet) and wins by taking his exhausted opponent to the ground and choking him out.

I thought I'd get bored of watching this version of Bumfights™by now, but watching these two retards club each other over the head with Hubbard's Standard Tech never gets old, it's become a guilty pleasure of mine.
I thought I'd get bored of watching this version of Bumfights™by now, but watching these two retards club each other over the head with Hubbard's Standard Tech never gets old, it's become a guilty pleasure of mine.

Usually a wierd or nutty or eccentric neighbour is just that. The neigbour; maybe a dysfunctional family member or two; a strangled cat; odd clothing; and muttering.
But with Marty you get a whole new experience! Standoffs with groups of nutcases with cameras on their heads; spais wanting to rent local property; and now, a rambling synopsis written by the resident screwball, outlining "why my life is a drama", written in a style that assumes the audience can follow the twisted travails of Marty vs David Miscavige revealed therein. No need to turn on the telly, just sit and look out the window.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Personally I'm very grateful to whoever posted this screed, as it has saved me having to go to Marty's blog for my information.

And having avoided Marty for months now I had no idea things had hotted up so much. He tells a very good story and the T-shirts are inspired. All they need is a change of head.


Angelic Poster
Zhongjianren, welcome to ESMB.

There's plenty of room here for all viewpoints (unless I missed an important memo or something).

Join in.

Personally I'm very grateful to whoever posted this screed, as it has saved me having to go to Marty's blog for my information.

And having avoided Marty for months now I had no idea things had hotted up so much. He tells a very good story and the T-shirts are inspired. All they need is a change of head.

Yeah I'm grateful too for the people willing to go over there so we don't have to, every now and then I click on a link to his blog by accident and the content of some of the comments is just too painful to bear. I wish Windows host file worked with Google Chrome so I could just redirect the address of his blog to so I can't get there.


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
Yeah I'm grateful too for the people willing to go over there so we don't have to, every now and then I click on a link to his blog by accident and the content of some of the comments is just too painful to bear. I wish Windows host file worked with Google Chrome so I could just redirect the address of his blog to so I can't get there.

I actually quite enjoy reading Rathbun and even Rinder as they are piloting out a new bait-n-switch for the improved cult of theta-universe thetans vs. the wicked mest universe thetans.

It is fascinating to watch the marketing pitch, buzzwords, re-positioning and surveyed buttons emerge.

I even venture into the comments section but can only take a brief scan before the gag reflex kicks in.

I simply cannot read the CultSpeak laden repetition of meaningless words and ideas. It is actually quite a horrible experience to try and read "Independents" talking about "Freedom" and using the IDENTICAL desperately fanciful descriptions of worlds and events that don't actually exist.

Independent people who have attained Freedom do not all speak in near-verbatim lockstep with each other.

Having said that...

I would like to totally validate the amazing theta that grants beingness to to the infinite havingness of the tech that is freeing beings, because it totally indicates my by-passed-charge and, per LRH, gives total certainty to the knowingness that our code of honor is ethically the greatest good for the insouciant spirit of play that standardly brings about the tone 40, high-toned wins for eternity.

(I think i just threw up calmag in my mouth)