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Trigger phrases that STILL freak us out

Royal Prince Xenu

Trust the Psi Corps.
This isnt really a trigger phrase, more of a trigger situation...

Its a horrid, awful, I-wanna-cry feeling. I dont like being in this position. At least this time its simply a case of being in demand (and I am thankful for that!!) it still has too many "earier similars" for me to really think clearly enough. I feel BAD.

Ahem, that was a bit of a novel...

I would like to know what you mean by FIFO.

I can totally relate to your situation. Industry recruiters are like real estate agents.

In many instances while working as a "temp", I would be sent to a job that was way over my head. Yes, I had a great reputation for figuring out systems that no one else had even heard of, but I had explicitly stated that ***** was a definite no-no.

I was not particularly impressed when I was sent to a job to finish a super-professional document on that very system. Not only did I have one day to finish it on a system that takes months to figure out because it was never systematic in the first place, but then I discovered that the original person had not backed up files and the bulk of the work had been corrupted! Suddenly, I was the one at fault--and I hadn't done anything yet!

Don't let other people manipulate you through guilt. That is the function of religion. You've made a decision in favor your own survival and time with your family. In a world where family often takes second place to career, you have made a bold and honorable decision--and if you're really in such demand in "your industry", you can use some of your extra spare time to feel out which is the next "best move" to make on your own terms. Enjoy the power!


Patron Meritorious
I would like to know what you mean by FIFO.

I can totally relate to your situation. Industry recruiters are like real estate agents.

In many instances while working as a "temp", I would be sent to a job that was way over my head. Yes, I had a great reputation for figuring out systems that no one else had even heard of, but I had explicitly stated that ***** was a definite no-no.

I was not particularly impressed when I was sent to a job to finish a super-professional document on that very system. Not only did I have one day to finish it on a system that takes months to figure out because it was never systematic in the first place, but then I discovered that the original person had not backed up files and the bulk of the work had been corrupted! Suddenly, I was the one at fault--and I hadn't done anything yet!

Don't let other people manipulate you through guilt. That is the function of religion. You've made a decision in favor your own survival and time with your family. In a world where family often takes second place to career, you have made a bold and honorable decision--and if you're really in such demand in "your industry", you can use some of your extra spare time to feel out which is the next "best move" to make on your own terms. Enjoy the power!

FIFO is common in australia's mining industry, it stands for Fly in Fly out, and in my case it is working 2 weeks on site, and then flying out to spend one week at home. Rinse and repeat. It can be a hard lifestyle at times.

Ive sorted out the job situation and gotten rid of the recruiters. Tomorrow is my last day on site - cant wait to go home and know that I can stay there longer than a week! Woo! :happydance:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Holy friggin' trigger phrase Batman!!!

I had to reopen this thread, because I knew trigger phrases had been brought up before, and I just had a massive implosion in this area. I was in my voice and diction class (I'm doomed to double-major in theater along with what will make me income), and we had this relaxation exercise. I haven't had any problem with acting warmups...but this damn thing asked us to "look through our body".

Well, holy fuck. First-hand experience of body memory. It was doubled because we were in a static position...but, I was overwhelmed with flooding of assist phrases. I wanted to seriously run out the door and just abandon class. There were other parts of putting attention on various parts of the body...it was INSANE!!! And, these exercises originated in the theater world prior to Scio works, so, I was trying to analytically deal with it, but I felt triggered in ways I haven't been in years. Luckily, we journal afterwards, and our professor is fine with it bringing things up. I would really love to reassign this stuff to another realm. I'm really starting to try to tease out what is hypnotic, and what isn't, because just recalling all the hours received and delivered just was about to knock me out at the time. It's always interesting to find out stuff that you thought was behind you suddenly kicking you in the butt.

I have to do this one exercise two more times this week as homework, and it's freaking me out a bit, as I haven't identified all the wording that triggers. I know that it brought back touch assists, feel the aliveness, hello and okay and a bunch of other stuff. It's a whole new world baby.

Royal Prince Xenu

Trust the Psi Corps.
All you have to remember was that Hubbard's intent with similar exercises was to control you, whereas there intent in drama is to better enable you to project to others.

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
I've often, over the years, made reference to other churches doing that, particularly in medieval times but also lately. That never ever was meant to excuse anything CofS did- though some people did think that's what I was trying to do. No, I always meant that as an indictment again CofS. CofS claimed to be better than all of them other guys. Instead, they've consistently behaved in a manner quite reminiscent of one of the most blood thirsty periods in religious history.

This is NOT OK !!!!

Gold Meritorious Patron
I've often, over the years, made reference to other churches doing that, particularly in medieval times but also lately. That never ever was meant to excuse anything CofS did- though some people did think that's what I was trying to do. No, I always meant that as an indictment again CofS. CofS claimed to be better than all of them other guys. Instead, they've consistently behaved in a manner quite reminiscent of one of the most blood thirsty periods in religious history.


"On the question 'Has a withold been missed?', has a withold been missed?"

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
Man, have I got a story to tell re "it's not ok".

Prior to our first expulsion, when we wanted to leave staff and were in great disgrace, Suzanne Beals came down from FCDC and decided that my husband really needed auditing but that I was, evidently, a complete assbag. Whatever. So they whisked him off to DC to get some auditing, for his next step. It happened in a hurry so he didn't get a chance to call his boss at work. It wasn't a high paying job but we were somewhat poor and needed every penny we could get. So I was left having to explain things to his angry boss who was FURIOUS. I was very young at the time and terrified of the Mission, of my husband's boss- everything. So I called my friend in great distress and she said "here's what you do. You tell his boss that J's mom had a psychotic break and he was called away suddenly." so I did and saved his job. Came in to the mission the next day- and the ED's husband looks at me and goes "That's not ok." And I'm like, yeah, well, not like you were helping us with anything. Not like YOU were there.

"Not ok" my fucking ass.

This is NOT OK !!!!

Gold Meritorious Patron
Thank you Xenu and Claire for validating my name!

This is Not Ok, was the most common answer to any CSW I ever wrote, such as, "It's my father's retirement party, I'd like to go", "I don't want to get posted at Flag today (Dec 23), can't I go next week so I can spend Christmas with my young children?", or the dreaded verbal CSW, "I think we've regged her enough, let's give her a break.".



Silver Meritorious Patron
Thank you Xenu and Claire for validating my name!

This is Not Ok, was the most common answer to any CSW I ever wrote, such as, "It's my father's retirement party, I'd like to go", "I don't want to get posted at Flag today (Dec 23), can't I go next week so I can spend Christmas with my young children?", or the dreaded verbal CSW, "I think we've regged her enough, let's give her a break.".


I developed a certain skill in writing CSWs for things I wanted.

The "trick" is making what you want to do "the greatest good" for the church.

If you didn't get to do what you were requesting, then all the bad effect was their fault for not approving!

Worked a treat! (see, I'm bilingual! I'm American and I can speak British!):coolwink:


Patron with Honors
"You need to ..." "We need you to ..."
(I didn't come into Scientology to cater to your Needs) :screwy:

"Would you like others to have similar Gains?"
(You'll have to ask them yourself.) :stickpoke:

"Would you like to write a Success Story" :read:
(That's right up there with "Would you like the Combo-Meal?" when only a Burger was requested)

"Speed of Particle Flow = Power"
(No, I won't be Dev-T'd to get you Money right NOW !) :hand:

"I have some exiting News for you."
(Reg Cycles do not excite Me.) :hide:

"We have to bring his 'Responsibility' up."
(He must be more amenable to Manipulation) :violent:

"Would you like to have a cleared Planet?"
(Please !!! Call me when its ready) :hattip:

"There is a Call to Arms"
(Week of excessive Pocketbook Looting) :shock:

"______ (Name of Reg) would like to see you."
(Perfect Candidate for the .45 Process) :stone:

"Freedom Award Medal Winner"
(RTC/IAS Brown-Noser)

"... ensure our Future/our future survival ..."
(Topping up DM's 1 Billion+ Slush Fund)

"You have been appointed FSM."
(... and you have been appointed to kiss my Ass) :kma:

"When I confront SPs, they shatter." :sp:
(Turn off the Xbox. Its past your Bedtime.) :sleepy:

"Donate for the Super Power Building."
($cientology Investment Scam) :flames:

"... your/the Bank is making/causing you ..." :dizzy:
(Fortunately its far more obvious than that.) :bully:

"You are at Risk."
(Thank you for the Honesty. Goodbye.) :buttkick:


Silver Meritorious Patron
That is not OK was the response to my joker/degrader statement that the Sea Org was the Salvation Navy. :confused2: D.


Patron with Honors
Wow, I feel refreshed after thinking of some of these!!

"You can't leave until you've gotten a product"

"______ must be complete before you secure"

"He won't make it up the Bridge"

"He'll never be accepted at Flag"

"That's out-Security" "That's/He's a threat to the Church"

"That's my money - what he has is ours, he can afford it"

PC does not buy a 12-Intensive Package ($26,400) - "There's out-Tech in his folder"

"Our 3rd Dynamic is your family"

"What are your crimes?"

"You are suppressive"

"You have a low confront of evil"

"You are in non-compliance" (N.B., it's impossible to comply to 50 off-hat orders at the same time!!)

"Joe got a black eye at the first pin prick"

I could go on and on!