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OSA Operatives: How-to Guide


Gold Meritorious Patron
Thanks for this, Im going to web this, as this is something i have experienced and all I knew was that the person did not make sense to me as a person.

i have found that the hardest thing for an OSA operative to do was to "act normal"

Thank you

Arnie Lerma

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Thankyou Panda, I for one really appreciate your writing this. My own experience is not of doing the actions, but of seeing hundreds of reports on exactly how OSA deals with dissent and works to manipulate events and attitudes and I know well how it is done.

I have been told that my experience is 20 years old and therefore not relevant to the present. However - " LRH technology" - including how OSA is run - does not change. It cannot change, all that happens is individual creativity within that framework.

Postings to distract, cause flame wars and fights between individuals, and to bury vital threads as fast as possible and to extract personal information are par for the course. "Whispering campaigns" work well, and the "buddy system" (your sudden new best friend?) is one to be aware of.

I don't mean you need to be paranoid about it, just be aware of what can happen and work around it. Being aware of how it is done is the first step to spotting it, and sidestepping the intention.

Any message board will ebb and flow and change as posters change. So ignore the distractions - Bottom line - keep posting personal stories and get the truth out there!!

This is a write-up from Kim Baker, from Arnie's site, and as valid today as it was in 1995:

Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 00:42:07 -0500

You have all seen the Church of Scientology's various attempts to "handle" alt.religion.scientology in the past few months. I now show you the EXACT policy they are applying to a.r.s.. I KNOW. I applied it myself, when I posted here last year, when I was still a Scientologist. Note to newbies: I am no longer a Scientologist, I left the Church, loudly, after I finally realised the truth of most of what is posted to a.r.s.

Scientologists are all required, at some stage, to do the PTS/SP course. (Potential Trouble Source/Suppressive person). The course is mandatory before anyone can do the Upper Levels. In this course, they are required to study and drill a policy on "How to handle Black Propoganda." Black propoganda is defined as any information campaign that is hostile to, or critical of Scientology.

I know this, because I took the course, in 1993, and learnt how to do the "handling" described below. My comments will appear at the end of each section, in parentheses, where I describe how I applied it when I was a Scientologist.

I now extract relevant portions from the policy. (Exact reference: HCOPL 21 November, 1972, "How to handle Black Propoganda" by L. Ron Hubbard.)

1. Fill the vaccuum.
First of all, cease to withdraw. It is proven conclusively in
public relations handling of black propoganda, only outflow pays off.
...Blunt demial is crude and can be used against one as a sort of confirmation.

[Comment: On a.r.s., I never addressed the subject - I changed it. some of you old timers here may remember that. Watch for that.]

2. Disprove false data
The technique of proving utterances false is called "DEAD
AGENTING". It's in the first book of Chinese espionage. When the enemy agent gives false data, those who believed him but now find it false, kill him - or at least cease to believe him.
...every friend, every opinion leader, every staff member you have, should be supplied with a dead agent pack containing proofs against common rumors.

[Comment: I did this by discrediting the information given by various people (e.g. IF that was true, why didn't you sue them?)]

3. Disprove every rumor
Proving negatives is almost impossible...a million, million
variations exist in dead agenting.
The basis of it is NOT the thing rumored and to be able to prove it fast.

[Comment: Again, I tried to take the attention off the affidavits, and distract people from them - look at how everyone's attention was on Dennis posting my private e-mail for a while]

4. Handle the level
Handling interest is basically an excersize in the tone scale.
Agreement occurs at the same emotional level as the person making the statement. He buys his facts at that level.

[Comment: I measured what I perceived to be the "tone level" of each individual that posted, and matched it, getting in on thier "reality" level (e.g. Rebecca asked how it felt to be under mind control, I responded jokingly, saying "I-am-an-automatic robot", etc.]

5. Carefully study out the scene

The technology of finding who is shooting is very vast.
...There can be more than on *apparent* source and these can be handled. But they will at last lead to the real instigator. One just keeps locating names and filing them, with dates.

[Comment: This is OSA's job - they have files on everyone who posts critical articles here, in any volume. I studied out a.r.s., identified who I perceived to be the main "drivers" of the thing, and went for them -"engaged them".]

6. Impede or destroy.
As you have been dead agenting as you looked, the attacks get handled. The campaign ebbs and flows but actually lessens.
...The usual action is a counterpropoganda campaign based on truth.
...It is a long-to-find and hard-learned fact that people who engage in black propoganda have BIG BURSTING CRIMES TO HIDE. They do not have little crimes. They have BIG ones.
...it is VITAL to handle the matter. One can't just hope it will all go away. It won't. It will get disastrous to the degree that it is not handled.
The fact is that just going on PRing oneself does not remove the effects of the campaign, and all too soon one no longer has communication lines left in order to handle anything since REPUTATION IS SO DESTROYED no one will listen and no lines remain.
...But remember, one MUST attack once he has any idea of the identity of the black propogandist or even his subterminals.

[Comment: OK. That is where I stopped. I started "exposing" Dennis as a "suppressive person", but got sickened. However, look at what is being posted to a.r.s. by Scieno agents: Character assassinations and "exposures" on Dennis (not to mentioning raiding his home), Lawrence Wollersheim, Deirdre, Bob Penny, Jon Atack, CAN, FACTNET. Along with this, is a series of "good news" articles, posting all the good things the CoS is doing.]

7. Continue to fill the vaccuum
Continuous good works and effective release of material about one's good works is vital, especially in a black propoganda war."


So, now you know. This policy is why the Church will not reform, or address any of the issues mentioned here. It is why they will not answer anything DIRECTLY. Because they are drilled and trained to COUNTERATTACK. Like I was. Like every public and staff Scientologist who takes this course is.

And this policy is what the CoS is applying to a.r.s.

To a.r.s I/C's: You're gonna have a HELL of a time diggin up "dead agent" material on me. Happy hunting!

Kim Baker


Gold Meritorious Patron
OSA Operatives: How-to Guide

To those I hurt along the way, I sincerely apologize.
Love, Panda.

Hey Panda,

Very good post. I know that this occurs (thread derailing and obstruction).

It's either OSA or just other idiots. Either way same thing.

Do you have any suggestions of how members can best deal with this type of thing?

I'm thinking that if a simple sample dialogue could be provided: the typical patter from the de-railer, and appropriate responses to handle or cut them short... ?? Could we get a sample of something like that posted here on the thread??


Panda Termint

Cabal Of One
Thanks for this, Im going to web this, as this is something i have experienced and all I knew was that the person did not make sense to me as a person.

i have found that the hardest thing for an OSA operative to do was to "act normal"

Thank you

Arnie Lerma

Right Arnie,

I've had several VERY awkward moments myself as far as acting normal goes. It can become quite a test of your confront when your target critic pulls you aside and warns you confidentially, "Be aware, we may have a scn'ist try to infiltrate the meeting some time tonight, watch for anything suspicious!" (In this instance it was nothing to do with me being found out, a GO PR had neglected to check with Intelligence before acting, you can probably imagine the MSH-inspired consequences of endangering an ongoing B1 caper, I never saw her again).

Which leads me to a bit of additional data; Intelligence Operatives are a VERY different beast from the PR variety. If you know they're scn'ists they're usually PR or Legal, not Intelligence. One of the most important aspects of Intelligence/Investigation is that it is COVERT.

You must never allow anyone (including scn'ists) to ever realise or see that it's connected in any way to CofS.
Intelligence ops are very often off-lines scn public, working for the Intel i/c. They pose as non-scios or ex-scios and it's CRUCIAL that they have no immediate connection with CofS in case they're caught out. There is always plausible deniability between the operative and the Intelligence i/c; the Op is expendable, the Intelligence i/c is not and, in any case, it's all about distancing CofS from any fallout.
I once had to leave my scn Auditor training mid-checksheet, with all approvals granted in a heartbeat without a CSW, simply because I was now on a GO cycle and couldn't be connected to scn in any way.

OSA uses real or apparent Private Investigators for a lot of the out-in-the-open Invest work as far as I can see, the question the critics should be asking themselves is how many of them are actually scn'ists. You'd be surprised at how many PIs and journalists were wolves in sheep-clothing back in my day, and yes, we were all fully accredited. Most, if not all, of CofS' major PR wins against the Psychs are secretly acknowledged as Intelligence wins but just like those damn CIA agents we never got to wear our medals!

There may well be some truth in the idea, "that was then, this is today" but here's the thing from my perspective.
I trained and operated in this area for a number of years. I successfully silenced or derailed hundreds of previously vocal critics. I disrupted meetings, stalled motions and collapsed groups without anyone ever realising I'd done it. I found and flagged hundreds of potential targets, critics who were or might become a danger to scn. I studied much LRH/MSH data on how to go about these activities, data which you'll never see anywhere else in scn. I know the exact techniques for getting critics to fight each other rather than scn and that's what I see happening.

I've mentioned it before, it's like how an artist sees the brush-strokes where others see a painting of scenery.

Why do I bother to tell this in the face of possible scorn and ridicule?
When you see someone about to walk under a speeding bus, the very least you can do is yell, "Watch out!"

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Patron Meritorious
Thanks very much Panda for this thread and thanks FTS for the ARS reference.

Personally I have almost entirely stopped posting on ESMB because I was told so often that my opinion that OSA/GO tech was still alive and well on ESMB was invalid.

One of the best immunities is to be aware of the tactics laid out by Panda and in FTS' post from ARS.

One thing I would like to add is beware when it is suggested that OSA is weakened to the point of ineffectivness.

Put it this way, if I was DM and dedicated to perpetuating the slave-cult, and my postion was weakening against critical opposition, the last department I would keep well manned up, when all other departments were collapsing, would be the critic-fighting department, while at the same time spreading the rumour that the department was severely crippled and ineffective. To me it is obvious that that is what DM will be doing.

It is obvious that OSA is alive and well as evidenced by the way recent pickets have been handled by the CofS and recent events with enturb and the anon movement.

The LRH tech on handling critics has not been cancelled. DM will keep OSA operating against critics until scientology's last day of existence. It was LRH's command intention to destroy his critics and LRH cannot be disobeyed or else, by defintion, the slave-cult will be no more.

Sort of sad for all the slaves still inside really. Doomed to slavishly follow the slave-cult intention of LRH, a dead man with dead dreams of world domination, but an army of slaves still trying to achieve the dead dream. :bigcry:


Gold Meritorious Patron
The one observation, the one variable noted by many of the old hypnotists to determine how good a subject was for hypnosis - was intelligence..

because Intelligent people can control their minds better.

That being said, all we need to do, is that - is to decide..as Gandhi suggests to

be the change we want to see in this world.

You can do that. We proved it once already by being scientologists.

Keith Richards chose this line to say in his cameo appearance in Pirates III:
"People spend their whole life searching for immortality
when all they really have to do is find themselves"

be the change we want to see in this world.


Patron Meritorious
Panda, FTS.....thank you so much for your posts.:rock:

And thanks for reminding me of the PTS/SP course. :stickpoke: A fine indocrination tool. I remember how it changed me. Not in a positive way either!!! I remember deciding to disconnect from my parents after I finished.

Such bull shit.

As the true Libra that I am.....I like to look at both sides and settle somewhere in the mid section.

Tactics for throwing off critics were taught to us early on in the SO, We all knew that the GO were the experts in it and we often viewed them in action.

I think that anyone who takes for granted what OSA is capable of - is being nieve.

OSA's bullying tactics kept me away from being a critic for 20 years. But those days are long gone.

The advice and witness given in this thread is invaluable. We need to keep our eyes and ears open.

OSA cannot get to all of us.. there are too many of us out here.

But they can distract us, pull us away from the point.....mislead and discredit us by entangling us in bickering. :catfight:

That said.......I also feel that in some cases, calling people 'OSA' because they disagree, has been used here on ESMB to invalidate the opinions of fellow ex's.

We cant be too quick to judge. Best thing to do is step back.....be objective, cool, calm and collected...and review what Panda and FTS posted here, whenever we suspect OSA is on board.

If it pans out for you...remember not to feel the troll. :dontfeedtrolls: Move on and leave them sitting there with a dead ended thread.

Don't grant them power. Balance out the negative with a positive.

Just as Arnie said....be the change.....

Thanks again friends for bringing this up!


Panda, FTS.....thank you so much for your posts.:rock:

And thanks for reminding me of the PTS/SP course. :stickpoke: A fine indocrination tool. I remember how it changed me. Not in a positive way either!!! I remember deciding to disconnect from my parents after I finished.

Such bull shit.

As the true Libra that I am.....I like to look at both sides and settle somewhere in the mid section.

Tactics for throwing off critics were taught to us early on in the SO, We all knew that the GO were the experts in it and we often viewed them in action.

I think that anyone who takes for granted what OSA is capable of - is being nieve.

OSA's bullying tactics kept me away from being a critic for 20 years. But those days are long gone.

The advice and witness given in this thread is invaluable. We need to keep our eyes and ears open.

OSA cannot get to all of us.. there are too many of us out here.

But they can distract us, pull us away from the point.....mislead and discredit us by entangling us in bickering. :catfight:

That said.......I also feel that in some cases, calling people 'OSA' because they disagree, has been used here on ESMB to invalidate the opinions of fellow ex's.

We cant be too quick to judge. Best thing to do is step back.....be objective, cool, calm and collected...and review what Panda and FTS posted here, whenever we suspect OSA is on board.

If it pans out for you...remember not to feel the troll. :dontfeedtrolls: Move on and leave them sitting there with a dead ended thread.

Don't grant them power. Balance out the negative with a positive.

Just as Arnie said....be the change.....

Thanks again friends for bringing this up!

Very well balanced post Duddins! :clap: I agree that too many times people have been called OSA just because they have a different viewpoint, and I have also seen trolls getting a lot of attention instead of just being ignored. I must say also that sometimes this whole OSA thing can be blown way out of proportion, now that we have this data provided by Panda and FTS that ought to be enough to stop people going on and on and trying to spread paranoia and mistrust around the board. I feel that they are given way too much power and attention, they appear to me to be talked about insessently, the church is dwindling at high speed, they do not have the staff to do all the things that are suggested so consistantly.

We also need to relax a little and use our own instincts, something that was squashed in the cult, we need to learn to use that again too as well as the data provided and some common sense rational. Just because two people have two opposing viewpoints and end up having a barney about it doesn't mean either of them is OSA! For me, coming to this board at the start, what I found worse was people advocating, promoting and selling the 'tech'. Yes, balance is needed in all things, but sometimes every second post one reads here it's OSA OSA OSA, it's like an obsession in my view.


Genuine Meatball
Thank's Panda! Good post about a very important issue. Hubbards and CoS's mafia tech, which curiously makes more 'sense' than all the batty shit about the reactive mind and BT's.

Here's a link with a very comprehensive collection of that 'tech':
Operation Clambake/The Guardian's Office



....snip.....Yes, balance is needed in all things, but sometimes every second post one reads here it's OSA OSA OSA, it's like an obsession in my view.
Hey Pixie,

If a tsunami was coming or just around the corner, while that may well be perturbing, I'd much rather have warning about it than have a few more hours of 'bliss' before I went under because I was ignorant of the actual scene!

To my knowledge, this particular tactic of OSA's was not known - to many. It was made more than apparent on the ESMB purpose thread and even here on this thread, that this is still not understood by some - hence, I started another thread on the ANZO exodus.

It may not be pleasant, and yes balance is essential - but so is data if ya don't want to go under.



Hey Pixie,

If a tsunami was coming or just around the corner, while that may well be perturbing, I'd much rather have warning about it than have a few more hours of 'bliss' before I went under because I was ignorant of the actual scene!

To my knowledge, this particular tactic of OSA's was not known - to many. It was made more than apparent on the ESMB purpose thread and even here on this thread, that this is still not understood by some - hence, I started another thread on the ANZO exodus.

It may not be pleasant, and yes balance is essential - but so is data if ya don't want to go under.


I'm not disagreeing with the data, this information needs to be known for sure, however I was merely pointing out that in many many posts and threads totally unrelated I see reference to OSA more than any other thing, that is all I was saying, and I also agreed with Alex in that when these things come up the board goes quiet for a while, it's like people get paranoid and suspicious of each other and this also needs to be brought to light. I see that in general here OSA are given a lot more power and mention than is necessary, that is all.


Rogue male
PIX, If you read Ceedias other thread on the subject you will see that we are not imagining it, paranoid or delusional, niether do we need correcting. We have however unwittingly caused it. The recent exodus needs to be addressed, seniors shout and scream etc. Something must be done.

I have had much OSA traffic recently, a black pr campaign to anyone who ever knew me or Ceedia to DA us and a host of other tricks. I have also been on the phone to them every second day.

I know you do not understand what we are talking about, please be patient while we do our work. We have been quite active and have to be stopped.

I'm not disagreeing with the data, this information needs to be known for sure, however I was merely pointing out that in many many posts and threads totally unrelated I see reference to OSA more than any other thing, that is all I was saying, and I also agreed with Alex in that when these things come up the board goes quiet for a while, it's like people get paranoid and suspicious of each other and this also needs to be brought to light. I see that in general here OSA are given a lot more power and mention than is necessary, that is all.


I'm not disagreeing with the data, this information needs to be known for sure, however I was merely pointing out that in many many posts and threads totally unrelated I see reference to OSA more than any other thing, that is all I was saying, and I also agreed with Alex in that when these things come up the board goes quiet for a while, it's like people get paranoid and suspicious of each other and this also needs to be brought to light. I see that in general here OSA are given a lot more power and mention than is necessary, that is all.

I get it Pix, and fair enough!

However, a generality of "OSA is everywhere, and we are all at risk" is quite different than helping people become aware of specific OSA tactics, so they don't go the adverse affect of them.

I too at times have observed "anything and everything" getting an OSA label, and yes that is annoying, but given OSA's current activities - it is probably appropriate to give an alert as to what is is occuring.

Ah Geez - I'd prolly rather be sailing! :melodramatic: :coolwink:


PIX, If you read Ceedias other thread on the subject you will see that we are not imagining it, paranoid or delusional, niether do we need correcting. We have however unwittingly caused it. The recent exodus needs to be addressed, seniors shout and scream etc. Something must be done.

I have had much OSA traffic recently, a black pr campaign to anyone who ever knew me or Ceedia to DA us and a host of other tricks as well as being on the phone to them every second day.

I know you do not understand what we are talking about, please be patient while we do our work. We have been quite active and have to be stopped.

Thanks Feral, however I DO understand but my own point seems to be being missed. If you are having problems with OSA I can understand that you would want to warn others, of course I do, but all I am saying here is that sometimes, things can and are blown out of proportion and personal stuff is dragged onto the board and people get paranoid because it's restim and throwback form the cult that people need to be 'afraid'.

I have read threads like this before and it does appear to change the dynamics of the board to a degree and I don't want anyone getting suspicious afraid or indeed paranoid. I just feel that OSA are given too much attention and mention on this board and that is all I am saying. It does not mean that I do not understand it or try to belittle what they are capable of! OSA is mentioned too much in my view, it's getting like every second post they are mentioned. It's like the witch hunts of the cult, and I too am entitled to have my opinion and my say whether others agree with it or not that is their perrogative.

Panda Termint

Cabal Of One
I'm not disagreeing with the data, this information needs to be known for sure, however I was merely pointing out that in many many posts and threads totally unrelated I see reference to OSA more than any other thing, that is all I was saying, and I also agreed with Alex in that when these things come up the board goes quiet for a while, it's like people get paranoid and suspicious of each other and this also needs to be brought to light. I see that in general here OSA are given a lot more power and mention than is necessary, that is all.
It's probably just that the message is so often ignored, Pixie.

Members keep talking to OSA trolls and have allowed them to collect their email and ip addresses.

It's just a thing that should be mentioned every now and then, if you wish to remain anonymous it's no good finding out someone is an OSA troll after they have your personal details.

I know that you dislike the feeding of trolls and/or anyone assuming that they're OSA but there is something that you should note;
The trolling of ESMB went up about 5 notches immediately following the Oct 18 protests. This is not a coincidence, this is a concerted counter-attack using the tactics I described in my original post. Just look at the content and intent of some of the recently arrived posters.

In my guesstimation, someone at OSA has erroneously concluded that ESMB is the Why for the recent flood of ANZO defections. It's, as usual, a Wrong Why but the correct Why lies in a place they dare not look, the CofS.
As you say, OSA is not necessarily a power to be feared, they're mainly a source of noise and trouble-making but they have succeeded in closing down sites and anti-CofS groups in recent times so please don't make the mistake of underestimating them.

All that being said, I certainly don't think that everyone with a differing viewpoint to mine is working for OSA. As in most things, a little paranoia goes a long way!

One of the main reasons why ex-GO/OSA staff don't just come out and spill the whole can of beans is simply this; We, above all, know what they're actually capable of. The greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics has been the standard GO/OSA justification for acts so harmful to certain individuals that you'd cringe in dismay to think you were any part of CofS.

I resigned my position in the GO when my senior informed me that we wouldn't be having any more trouble from a previously vociferous critic. He was now in a wheelchair after a drunken fall from a third story balcony and could no longer speak!

I don't believe that anyone from the GO pushed him but I do know for a fact that we encouraged his alcoholism and brought him gifts of Scotch Whiskey. To CofS this was a win in the war against critics. To me it just illustrated why the GO was always THE item in every PTS interview I had at that time.

I may tell more about this later.

Love, Panda.
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Interesting story Panda and I understand totally what you are saying here. I was not aware that this site was blamed for the mass exodus. I do agree people ought to have the data as I said, however I also just wanted to 'balance' this out by reminding people that paranoia and mistrust also do not belong on this board. In general I don't think people give out their personal email addresses, I have been asked for mine on many occasions and not given it, and I don't feel that any exes are stupid or naive about anything having been through what they have.

All is ok in my world Panda, and I do appreciate the data you have given here, it needs to be known for sure, but the other side of the coin also needs to be viewed, that is all I'm saying. :thumbsup:


Squirrel Extraordinaire
I may tell more about this later.
Love, Panda.

I usually enjoy reading your posts, Panda. But they would be easier to read if you added a blank line between the paragraphs.

Is there some good reason you don't? Do you use some kind of browsing device with a five-line screen where space is precious or something? :)


Free to shine

Shiny & Free
It's not new Panda, it does tend to escalate after the monthly pickets though.

Some of the ideas that have been pushed are:

* OSA has no teeth anymore/is stretched too much to worry about

* Encouragement for 'anonymous to fight back/violence'

* Freedom of speech = no-one should be moderated in any way, shape or form

* Look for the good in scientology

* Labelling long time exes/critics as "Old Guard" and attempting to discredit them create a rift between them and Anonymous

And of course the usual rants against psychiatry, the diversion threads and posts.